
    Potential risks of persistence of bacterial antibiotic resistance in drinking water

    • 摘要: 细菌抗生素抗性基因(antibiotics resistance genes, ARGs)是21世纪人类面临的最大公共卫生挑战之一。饮用水安全与人体健康直接相关,在没有抗生素选择压力的饮用水中,细菌抗生素抗性仍能够稳定且持久地存在。本文探讨了饮用水中细菌抗生素抗性持久性的潜在风险问题,涉及以下几个方面:致突变性消毒副产物对ARGs的诱导作用、贫营养条件下ARGs适应度代价的降低、细胞结构对ARGs的保护,以及存活但不可培养状态和生物膜对细菌抗生素耐受性/抗性的影响。希望能为进一步理解环境中细菌抗生素抗性的存在机制,以及如何有效控制和降低其对人类健康的风险提供参考。


      Abstract: Bacterial antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) greatly threaten the public health in the 21st century. Drinking water safety is directly related to human health. The stability and persistence of antibiotic resistance in drinking water exist, even without the selective pressure of antibiotics. This article explores the potential risks of persistence of bacterial antibiotic resistance in drinking water from the following aspects: the induction of ARGs by mutagenic disinfection by-products, the weakening of the fitness costs of ARGs under nutrient-poor conditions, the protection of ARGs by cellular structures, and the contribution of the viable but non-culturable state and biofilm to antibiotic resistance/tolerance. It promises to provide reference for further understanding the mechanism behind the persistence of bacterial antibiotic resistance in drinking water and how to effectively control and reduce its risk to human health.


