
    Current situation of environmental contamination and management of antibiotics in China

    • 摘要: 抗生素不仅在医疗和农业领域中扮演重要角色,其环境污染也对生态系统构成潜在风险。目前我国对抗生素的控制和管理仍然存在严重不足,缺少法律支撑和依据。本文综述我国不同环境介质中抗生素的污染水平及抗生素环境管理中支撑标准情况。


      Abstract: Antibiotics play an important role in the medical and agricultural fields, and their environmental contamination poses a potential risk to ecosystems. There are still serious deficiencies in the control and management of antibiotics in China, with limited legal support and justification. This review summarizes the pollution levels of antibiotics across various environmental media in China and the standards supporting environmental management of antibiotics.


