
    Pollution characteristics and source apportionment of water-soluble ions in atmospheric PM2.5 in two urban areas of Baotou city, China, 2022

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析包头市东河区及青山区两城区大气PM2.5中水溶性离子的污染特征及源解析。
      方法 于2022年全年每月10-16日及雾霾天在包头市东河区及青山区两个监测点采集大气PM2.5样品,利用离子色谱法检测大气PM2.5中5种水溶性离子(SO42-、NO3-、Cl-、F-、NH4+)的质量浓度;运用硫氧化率(sulfur oxidation ratio,SOR)、氮氧化率(nitrogen oxidation ratio,NOR)判断大气中SO2和NO2的二次转化情况;运用NO3-/SO42-比值判断大气污染主要是固定污染源还是移动污染源。
      结果 东河区和青山区监测点大气PM2.5中SO42-、NO3-、Cl-、F-、NH4+质量浓度M(P25, P75)分别为3.282(2.055,4.620)、1.510(0.747,3.284)、0.916(0.268,1.750)、0.228(0.097,0.473)、1.553(0.829,3.019)μg/m3和2.856(1.720,4.963)、1.451(0.747,2.940)、0.679(0.171,1.860)、0.177(0.076,0.423)、1.408(0.672,2.272)μg/m3;东河区大气PM2.5中硫氧化率(SOR)第一季度最高,青山区第三季度最高;东河区和青山区大气PM2.5中氮氧化率(NOR)均以第一季度最高;东河区和青山区全年NO3-/SO42-比值分别为0.49和0.48。
      结论 包头市两城区大气PM2.5中5种水溶性离子污染水平有一定差异,固定污染源为本市大气污染的主要污染源。


      Objective To analyze the pollution characteristics and source apportionment of water-soluble ions in atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Donghe district and Qingshan district of Baotou city, China.
      Methods On the 10th-16th days of each month and haze days in 2022, atmospheric PM2.5 samples were collected at two surveillance sites in Donghe district and Qingshan district of Baotou city, and the mass concentrations of five water-soluble ions (SO42-, NO3-, Cl-, F-, and NH4+) in atmospheric PM2.5 were determined by ion chromatography. The secondary conversion of SO2 and NO2 in the atmosphere was determined by sulfur oxidation ratio (SOR) and nitrogen oxidation ratio (NOR). Whether the air pollution was caused by stationary pollution sources or mobile pollution sources was determined by NO3-/SO42- ratio.
      Results The mass concentrations M(P25, P75) of SO42-, NO3-, Cl-, F-, and NH4+ in atmospheric PM2.5 at the surveillance sites in Donghe district and Qingshan district were 3.282 (2.055, 4.620), 1.510 (0.747, 3.284), 0.916 (0.268, 1.750), 0.228 (0.097, 0.473), 1.553 (0.829, 3.019) μg/m3 and 2.856 (1.720, 4.963), 1.451 (0.747, 2.940), 0.679 (0.171, 1.860), 0.177 (0.076, 0.423), and 1.408 (0.672, 2.272) μg/m3, respectively. The SOR of atmospheric PM2.5 was the highest in the first quarter in Donghe district and the highest in the third quarter in Qingshan district. The NOR of atmospheric PM2.5 in both Donghe district and Qingshan district was the highest in the first quarter. The annual NO3-/SO42- ratios in Donghe district and Qingshan district were 0.49 and 0.48, respectively.
      Conclusion In two urban areas of Baotou city, there are some differences in the pollution levels of five water-soluble ions in atmospheric PM2.5. Stationary pollution sources are the main sources of air pollution in this city.


