
    Pollution characteristics and health risk of metals in atmospheric PM2.5 in Suzhou, China, 2020—2022

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解苏州市大气PM2.5中金属污染特征,评估人群暴露健康风险。
      方法 于2020年至2022年采集苏州市工业园区和高新区大气样本504份,分析PM2.5及12种金属污染情况,使用富集因子描述金属富集程度,采用主成分分析法解析金属来源,依据《化学物质环境健康风险评估技术指南》(WS/T 777-2021)中风险评估模型对PM2.5中金属对人群的致癌和非致癌风险进行评估。
      结果 研究期间工业园区和高新区PM2.5浓度均值分别45.28和37.93 μg/m3,差异无统计学意义(t=0.45,P=0.517)。工业园区和高新区金属中位浓度为104.88和95.96 ng/m3,差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.08,P < 0.05)。工业园区锑、砷、镉、铅、硒和铊浓度高于高新区,高新区铬和镍浓度高于工业园区,差异有统计学意义(Z值为-8.48~-2.75,P < 0.001)。两区金属呈现出冬高夏低的季节特征。铅、锑、镉和硒在PM2.5中达中高度富集水平,金属来源主要为工业源和燃煤源。两区砷、铬(六价)的CR值大于1.0×10-6,提示有潜在的致癌风险;HQ值均低于1,提示非致癌风险较低。
      结论 苏州市PM2.5中铅、锑、镉和硒达到中高度富集水平,砷和铬(六价)有潜在致癌风险,需警惕与重视金属污染风险。


      Objective To investigate the pollution characteristics of metals in atmospheric PM2.5 in Suzhou, China, and to assess the health risk of population exposure.
      Methods A total of 504 atmospheric samples were collected from Suzhou Industrial Park and Hi-Tech District from 2020 to 2022 to analyze the pollution of PM2.5 and 12 metals. Enrichment factor was used to describe the degree of metal enrichment, and principal component analysis was used to analyze the sources of metals. The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks of metals in PM2.5 were assessed according to the risk assessment models in the Technical Guide for Environmental Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Exposure (WS/T 777-2021).
      Results The average concentrations of PM2.5 in Industrial Park and Hi-Tech District during the study period were 45.28 and 37.93 μg/m3, respectively, with no statistical significance (t=0.45, P=0.517). The median values of metal concentrations in Industrial Park and Hi-Tech District were 104.88 and 95.96 ng/m3, respectively, with statistical significance (Z=-2.08, P < 0.05). The concentrations of stibium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium and thallium in Industrial Park were significantly higher than those in Hi-Tech District, while the concentrations of chromium and nickel in Hi-Tech District were significantly higher than those in Industrial Park (the Z-values ranged from -8.48 to -2.75, P < 0.001). The metals in two districts had a seasonal trend of high in winter and low in summer. Lead, stibium, cadmium, and selenium were moderately or highly enriched in PM2.5. These metals were primarily from industrial and coal combustion sources. The carcinogenic risk values of arsenic and chromium (Ⅵ) in the two districts were higher than 1.0×10-6, indicating potential carcinogenic risks. The hazard quotient values were all below 1, indicating low non-carcinogenic risks.
      Conclusion The concentrations of lead, stibium, cadmium, and selenium in PM2.5 in Suzhou reached moderate or high enrichment levels. Arsenic and chromium (Ⅵ) showed potential carcinogenic risks. The risks associated with metal pollution warrant caution and close attention.


