赵灿, 高圣华, 张岚. 2022年省、市、县疾控机构106项水质指标检测能力调查与分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2024, 14(5): 400-405, 412. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2024.05.005
    引用本文: 赵灿, 高圣华, 张岚. 2022年省、市、县疾控机构106项水质指标检测能力调查与分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2024, 14(5): 400-405, 412. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2024.05.005
    ZHAO Can, GAO Sheng-hua, ZHANG Lan. Investigation and analysis of the detection capability for 106 water quality indicators in Center for Disease Control and Prevention at the provincial, municipal, and county levels in China, 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2024, 14(5): 400-405, 412. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2024.05.005
    Citation: ZHAO Can, GAO Sheng-hua, ZHANG Lan. Investigation and analysis of the detection capability for 106 water quality indicators in Center for Disease Control and Prevention at the provincial, municipal, and county levels in China, 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2024, 14(5): 400-405, 412. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2024.05.005


    Investigation and analysis of the detection capability for 106 water quality indicators in Center for Disease Control and Prevention at the provincial, municipal, and county levels in China, 2022

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解2022年省、市、县疾控机构(Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)对《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006)中规定的106项指标的检测能力, 分析省、市、县各指标检测能力不足的主要原因。
      方法 收集2022年度全国各级CDC水质检测能力数据, 对省级、地市级CDC的42项常规指标、64项非常规指标和对县级CDC的42项常规指标不具备检测能力的机构占比及不能检测的原因占比进行分析。
      结果 省级CDC检测能力不足主要体现在总α放射性、总β放射性(4个省级, 占比14%)和贾第鞭毛虫、隐孢子虫(6个省级, 21%), 主要原因均为设备配置不到位(100%), 其次是无检测人员(50%~75%)。地市级CDC常规指标检测能力不足主要体现在总α放射性和总β放射性, 占比均为47%;其次是消毒剂指标和消毒副产物指标(臭氧、总氯、ClO2、甲醛、溴酸盐、亚氯酸盐和氯酸盐), 占比为6%~22%, 不具备检测能力的原因包括无设备、无标准品、无试剂和无检测人员; 非常规指标中, 除了氨氮(1%)外的63项指标不具备检测能力的机构占比均≥19%, 其中贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫不具备检测能力的机构占比最高(65%), 主要原因为无设备(88%), 其次为无检测人员(42%~43%)、无试剂(40%)和无标准品(38%); 其余61项指标不能检测的原因为无设备、无标准品、无试剂和无检测人员(占比分别为60%~76%、45%~62%、42%~53%、51%~67%)。县级CDC常规指标中, 放射性指标检测能力最弱(总α放射性和总β放射性, 占比均为85%), 其次是消毒剂指标和消毒副产物指标(臭氧、总氯、ClO2、甲醛、溴酸盐、氯酸盐、亚氯酸盐、四氯化碳和三氯甲烷), 不具备检测能力的主要原因以无设备(83%~94%)和无检测人员(53%~76%)为主。
      结论 省、市、县CDC常规指标检测能力不足主要体现在放射性指标(省、市、县CDC), 消毒剂指标(臭氧、总氯、ClO2)、消毒副产物指标(甲醛、溴酸盐、亚氯酸盐、氯酸盐)(市、县CDC), 以及四氯化碳、三氯甲烷(县CDC); 非常规指标中氨氮检测能力较好(省、市CDC), 检测能力不足主要体现在贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫(省、市CDC), 及其他指标(市CDC)。检测能力不足的主要原因是设备配置不到位, 今后应该重点从增配设备着手, 增强水质检测能力。


      Objective To investigate the detection capability for 106 water quality indicators required in the Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749-2006) as well as the main reasons for insufficient detection capability for various indicators in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at the provincial, municipal, and county levels of China in 2022.
      Methods Data of water quality detection capability were collected from CDCs at all levels of China in 2022, and analyses were performed to investigate the proportion of institutions among provincial and municipal CDCs which lacked the detection capability for 42 regular indices and 64 non-regular indices and the proportion of institutions among county-level CDCs which lacked the detection capability for 42 regular indices, as well as the reasons for the lack of detection capability.
      Results As for the provincial CDCs, insufficient detection capability was mainly reflected in total α radioactivity and total β radioactivity (4 provincial CDCs, accounting for 14%), as well as Giardia and Cryptosporidium (6 provincial CDCs, accounting for 21%), which was mainly caused by inadequate equipment configuration (100%), followed by a lack of testing personnel (50%-75%). As for the municipal CDCs, insufficient detection capability was mainly reflected in total α radioactivity and total β radioactivity (accounting for 47%), followed by the indicators for disinfectants and disinfection by-products including ozone, total chlorine, chlorine dioxide, formaldehyde, bromate, chlorite, and chlorate (accounting for 6%-22%), and the reasons for the lack of detection capability included a lack of equipment, standard products, reagents, and personnel. In terms of the non-regular indices, except ammonia nitrogen (1%), the institutions which lacked the detection capability for 63 indices, accounted for ≥ 19%, among which the institutions lacking the detection capability for Giardia and Cryptosporidium accounted for the highest proportion of 65%, with the main reasons of a lack of equipment (88%), followed by a lack of testing personnel (42%-43%), reagents (40%), and standard products (38%). While the main reasons for the lack of the detection capability for the remaining 61 indices were a lack of equipment (60%-76%), standard products (45%-62%), reagents (42%-53%), and testing personnel (51%-67%). In terms of regular indices, the CDCs at the county level had the weakest detection capability for radioactive indicators (total α radioactivity and total β radioactivity, accounting for 85%, respectively), followed by the indicators for disinfectants and disinfection by-products (ozone, total chlorine, chlorine dioxide, formaldehyde, bromate, chlorate, chlorite, carbon tetrachloride, and chloroform), and the main reasons for the lack of detection capability were a lack of equipment (83%-94%) and testing personnel (53%-76%).
      Conclusion Insufficient detection capability for regular indices in CDCs at the provincial, municipal, and county levels is mainly reflected in radioactive indicators (CDCs at the provincial, municipal, and county levels), disinfectant indicators (ozone, total chlorine, chlorine dioxide), and disinfection by-product indicators (formaldehyde, bromate, chlorite, chlorate; CDC at the municipal and county levels), as well as carbon tetrachloride and trichloromethane (CDCs at the county level); as for the non-regular indices, there is good detection capability for ammonia nitrogen in provincial and municipal CDCs, and insufficient detection capability is mainly reflected in Giardia and Cryptosporidium (provincial and municipal CDCs), as well as other indicators (municipal CDCs). Inadequate equipment configuration is the main reason for insufficient detection capability, and additional equipment should be applied in the future to enhance water quality detection capabilities.


