赵灿, 高圣华, 邢方潇, 张岚. 2022年全国疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2023, 13(11): 836-843. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.11.006
    引用本文: 赵灿, 高圣华, 邢方潇, 张岚. 2022年全国疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2023, 13(11): 836-843. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.11.006
    ZHAO Can, GAO Sheng-hua, XING Fang-xiao, ZHANG Lan. Analysis of drinking water quality detection capability of centers for disease control and prevention in China, 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2023, 13(11): 836-843. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.11.006
    Citation: ZHAO Can, GAO Sheng-hua, XING Fang-xiao, ZHANG Lan. Analysis of drinking water quality detection capability of centers for disease control and prevention in China, 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2023, 13(11): 836-843. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.11.006


    Analysis of drinking water quality detection capability of centers for disease control and prevention in China, 2022

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解2022年全国疾病预防控制机构的生活饮用水水质检测能力,为促进疾控机构水质检测能力建设提供参考。
      方法 收集2022年度全国各级疾控中心(CDC)水质检测能力数据,分析不同级别、不同地区CDC对《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006)中的全项指标(106项)和常规指标(42项)的检测能力。不同级别、不同地区CDC检测能力的比较采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验。
      结果 省级、省会城市、地级和县(区)级CDC,全项指标的检测能力M(P25P75)分别为106(104,106)、106(104,106)、94(60,104)、37(33,42),各级别差异有统计学意义(χ2为632.56,P < 0.001);常规指标的检测能力分别为42(42,42)、42(42,42)、40(40,42)、36(32,40),各级别差异有统计学意义(χ2为396.76,P < 0.001)。两两比较分析结果显示县(区)级CDC全项指标、常规指标的检测能力均低于省级、省会城市、地级CDC,差异有统计学意义(校正后的P < 0.001)。不同地区省级、省会城市CDC全项指标和常规指标检测能力的差异均无统计学意义(χ2值分别为3.67和4.04、8.69和5.42,P>0.05),不同地区地级、县(区)级全项指标和常规指标的检测能力差异有统计学意义(χ2分别为50.16和36.16、177.36和154.56,P < 0.001),两两比较分析结果显示华东地区检测能力最高,西北地区CDC显著低于其它地区(校正后的P < 0.001)。常规指标中,总α放射性、总β放射性指标检测能力最低;非常规指标中,贾第鞭毛虫、隐孢子虫、微囊藻毒素和草甘膦等指标的检测能力最弱。
      结论 经过十多年的检测能力建设,疾控系统水质检测能力较2008年有一定提升,但是检测能力水平与能力建设要求还存在一定差距。尤其是县(区)级CDC和西北地区CDC的检测能力比较薄弱,今后应该重点加强。


      Objective To investigate the drinking water quality detection capability of centers for disease control and prevention (CDCs) in China in 2022, and to provide a reference for promoting construction of water quality detection capability in CDCs.
      Methods Data on water quality detection capability of CDCs at all levels in China in 2022 were collected to analyze the detection capabilities of CDCs for all indices (106 items) and conventional indices (42 items) in the Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749-2006) at different levels and in different regions. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was performed to compare the detection capabilities of CDCs at different levels and in different regions.
      Results The M (P25, P75) values of detection capabilities for all indices of CDCs at provincial, provincial capital, prefecture, and county/district levels were 106 (104, 106), 106 (104, 106), 94 (60, 104), and 37 (33, 42), respectively, showing a significant difference (χ2=632.56, P < 0.001). The M (P25, P75) values of detection capabilities for conventional indicators were 42 (42, 42), 42 (42, 42), 40 (40, 42), and 36 (32, 40), respectively, showing a significant difference (χ2=396.76, P < 0.001). The pairwise comparative analysis showed that the detection capabilities of CDCs for all indices and conventional indicators were all significantly lower at county/district levels than those at provincial, provincial capital, and prefecture levels (P < 0.001 after adjustment). There were no significant differences in the detection capabilities of CDCs for all indices and conventional indices at provincial and provincial capital levels among different regions (χ2 were 3.67, 4.04, 8.69, 5.42, respectively, P >0.05). There were significant differences in the detection capabilities of CDCs for all indices and conventional indices at prefecture and county/district levels among different regions (χ2 were 50.16, 36.16, 177.36, 154.56, respectively, P < 0.001). The pairwise comparison showed that the detection capabilities of East China were highest, and the detection capabilities of CDCs in Northwest China were significantly lower than those of other regions (P < 0.001 after adjustment). The detection capability was the lowest for gross alpha radioactivity and gross beta radioactivity among conventional parameters, and weakest for Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium, microcystin, and glyphosate among non-conventional parameters.
      Conclusion After more than ten years construction, there has been an improvement in the water quality detection capability of the CDC system compared with 2008, but still with a gap between the current detection capability and the requirements. The detection capability of CDCs at county/district levels and in Northwest China is relatively weak, which should be strengthened in the future.


