李洪波, 蒋励, 彭西英, 陈宣好, 宿敏敏. 2020—2021年贵州省公共场所健康危害因素监测[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2023, 13(2): 104-109. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.02.006
    引用本文: 李洪波, 蒋励, 彭西英, 陈宣好, 宿敏敏. 2020—2021年贵州省公共场所健康危害因素监测[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2023, 13(2): 104-109. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.02.006
    LI Hong-bo, JIANG Li, PENG Xi-ying, CHEN Xuan-hao, SU Min-min. Surveillance of health hazard factors in public places in Guizhou Province, China, 2020-2021[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2023, 13(2): 104-109. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.02.006
    Citation: LI Hong-bo, JIANG Li, PENG Xi-ying, CHEN Xuan-hao, SU Min-min. Surveillance of health hazard factors in public places in Guizhou Province, China, 2020-2021[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2023, 13(2): 104-109. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2023.02.006


    Surveillance of health hazard factors in public places in Guizhou Province, China, 2020-2021

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解贵州省公共场所卫生状况及主要健康危害因素, 为加强公共场所卫生管理提供技术支持。
      方法 2020—2021年按照《贵州省公共场所健康危害因素项目监测方案》, 选择贵阳、遵义、铜仁及安顺市辖区内宾馆(酒店)、商场(超市)、理发店、候车室4类重点公共场所作为监测对象, 其中宾馆18家(三星级以上宾馆、三星级以下宾馆、快捷酒店各6家), 商场(超市)8家, 理发场所8家, 候车室2家。每类场所每年第二季度和第四季度各监测一次, 监测内容包括室内空气质量及公共用品用具, 参照《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》(GB 37488-2019)进行结果评价。
      结果 2020—2021年贵州省监测的4类重点公共场所非强制指标(温度、湿度、风速、噪声(除宾馆外))总体合格率为77.62%, 其中宾馆、商场、理发店、候车室合格率分别为84.24%、71.56%、70.71%、83.33%, 差异有统计学意义(χ2=89.97, P < 0.05)。强制性指标总体合格率为91.74%, 不同类型公共场所合格率差异有统计学意义(χ2=115.33, P < 0.05);宾馆空气质量监测指标中噪声、湿度合格率较低, 分别为53.43%, 66.06%, 其次是PM10、PM2.5, 合格率为82.67%、86.28%。商场主要不合格指标为噪声(23.98%)、湿度(76.32%)、PM10(87.28%)、温度(87.43%)。理发店对健康产生不良影响的指标主要是噪声、湿度、PM10、PM2.5、氨, 合格率分别为35.71%、63.57%、69.29%、77.14%、82.86%。候车室合格率较低的依次为温度(64.71%)、湿度(78.43%)、PM2.5(84.31%); 宾馆、商场、理发店、候车室公共用品用具微生物监测指标中, 细菌总数为主要不合格指标, 合格率分别为90.95%、90.98%、90.96%、94.13%, 差异无统计学意义(χ2=5.73, P >0.05)。从各类场所监测的公共用品用具来看, 宾馆漱口杯、商场收银台及理发店毛巾细菌总数超标严重, 合格率仅为81.87%、82.96%、89.83%。
      结论 2020—2021年贵州省4类公共场所总体卫生状况较好, 但室内空气质量中噪声、湿度、PM10、PM2.5、氨及公共用品用具细菌总数等指标合格率偏低, 应加强卫生监管。


      Objective To understand the hygienic status and main health hazard factors in public places in Guizhou Province, China, and to provide technical support for strengthening health management in public places.
      Methods According to the Monitoring Plan of Health Hazard Factors in Public Places in Guizhou Province, four kinds of key public places, such as hotel, shopping mall (supermarket), barber shop, and waiting room, were selected as monitoring subjects in Guiyang, Zunyi, Tongren, and Anshun from 2020 to 2021, which included 18 hotels (six hotels above three-star level, six hotels below three-star level, and six express hotels), eight shopping malls (supermarkets), eight barber shops, and two waiting rooms. Each kind of place was monitored twice in the second quarter and the fourth quarter of each year. The monitoring content included indoor air quality and public goods and appliances. The result were evaluated with reference of the Hygienic Indicators and Limits for Public Places (GB 37488-2019).
      Results From 2020 to 2021, the overall qualified rate of non-mandatory indicators (temperature, humidity, wind speed, and noise (except hotels)) in the four kinds of key public places monitored in Guizhou province was 77.62%, and the qualified rates in hotels, shopping malls, barber shops, and waiting rooms were 84.24%, 71.56%, 70.71%, and 83.33%, respectively, with a significant difference (χ2=89.97, P < 0.05). The overall qualified rate of mandatory indicators was 91.74%, and there was a significant difference in the qualified rate between different kinds of public places (χ2=115.33, P < 0.05). Among the air quality monitoring indicators in hotels, the qualified rates of noise and humidity were relatively low, being 53.43% and 66.06%, respectively, followed by particulate matter 10 (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), with the qualified rates of 82.67% and 86.28%, respectively. The main unqualified indicators in shopping malls were noise (23.98%), humidity (76.32%), PM10 (87.28%), and temperature (87.43%). The indicators that had adverse effects on health in barber shops were mainly noise, humidity, PM10, PM2.5, and ammonia, with the qualified rates of 35.71%, 63.57%, 69.29%, 77.14%, and 82.86%, respectively. The indicators with low qualified rates in waiting rooms were temperature (64.71%), humidity (78.43%), and PM2.5 (84.31%) in sequence. Among the microbial monitoring indicators of public goods and appliances in hotels, shopping malls, barber shops, and waiting rooms, the total bacterial count was the main unqualified indicator, with the qualified rates of 90.95%, 90.98%, 90.96%, and 94.13%, respectively, with no significant difference (χ2=5.73, P >0.05). For the public goods and appliances monitored in various places, the total bacterial count on hotels' mouthwash cups, shopping malls' cashier desks, and barber shops' towels exceeded the limits seriously, and the qualified rates were only 81.87%, 82.96%, and 89.83%, respectively.
      Conclusion From 2020 to 2021, the general hygienic statues of the four kinds of public places in Guizhou Province is good, but the qualified rates of noise, humidity, PM10, PM2.5, and ammonia for indoor air quality and total bacterial count on public goods and appliances are low. Therefore, public place surveillance should be strengthened.


