段链, 郭庶, 郭昌胜, 石莹, 鲍梦莹, 王翀, 王超, 顾雯. 某石油化工企业周边居民暴露参数调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(10): 715-723. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.10.003
    引用本文: 段链, 郭庶, 郭昌胜, 石莹, 鲍梦莹, 王翀, 王超, 顾雯. 某石油化工企业周边居民暴露参数调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(10): 715-723. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.10.003
    DUAN Lian, GUO Shu, GUO Chang-sheng, SHI Ying, BAO Meng-ying, WANG Chong, WANG Chao, GU Wen. Investigation on exposure parameters of residents around a petrochemical enterprise[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(10): 715-723. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.10.003
    Citation: DUAN Lian, GUO Shu, GUO Chang-sheng, SHI Ying, BAO Meng-ying, WANG Chong, WANG Chao, GU Wen. Investigation on exposure parameters of residents around a petrochemical enterprise[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(10): 715-723. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.10.003


    Investigation on exposure parameters of residents around a petrochemical enterprise

    • 摘要:
      目的 通过开展某石油化工企业周边人群身体特征参数、摄入量参数以及时间—活动模式参数的调查,为区域性环境健康风险评价提供数据支持。
      方法 2021年4 — 5月,在湖北省某石油化工企业周边5 km范围内,选取直线距离最近的一所小学及中学,按照分层整群抽样的方法每年级各抽取2~3个班级学生及家属(家庭住址在企业周边5 km范围内且是半年以上常住人口)作为研究对象,采用问卷调查及填写24 h活动日志的方法获得暴露参数。
      结果 实际调查763人(男性353人,女性410人),包括6~17岁未成年人207人、18~59岁成年人392人、60岁及以上老年人164人。未成年人平均身高、体重、皮肤表面积、长期呼吸量、总饮水量分别为(152.8±14.2)cm、(45.0±12.9)kg、(1.4±0.2)m2、13.5(12.0,15.4)m3/d、678.6(475.0,900.0)mL/d,洗澡时间春、夏、秋和冬季分别为(17.4±8.7)、(20.8±12.0)、(17.3±9.1)、(17.2±10.2)min/d,游泳时间(仅游泳人员)为(119.2±127.5)min/月,土壤接触时间(仅接触人员)为(27.4±20.9 min/d。成年人平均身高、体重、皮肤表面积、长期呼吸量、总饮水量分别为(165.8±8.3)cm、(62.5±11.6)kg、(1.7±0.2)m2、15.2(13.8,18.0)m3/d、900.0(650.0,1250.0)mL/d,洗澡时间春、夏、秋和冬季分别为(16.1±9.3)、(19.1±12.5)、(16.4±10.2)、(16.1±10.4)min/d,游泳时间(仅游泳人员)(57.5±81.5)min/月,土壤接触时间(仅接触人员)为(153.6±144.9)min/d。老年人平均身高、体重、皮肤表面积、长期呼吸量、总饮水量分别为(158.0±5.8)cm、(57.4±7.5)kg、(1.5±0.1)m2、13.0(12.3,13.9)m3/d、744.3(511.6,1078.0)mL/d,洗澡时间春、夏、秋和冬季分别为(15.1±9.6)、(19.5±12.8)、(15.1±8.6)、(15.1±9.6)min/d,游泳时间(仅游泳人员)(56.2±77.3)min/月,土壤接触时间(仅接触人员)为(215.0±161.6)min/d。679(475,900)mL/d,春、夏、秋和冬季洗澡时间分别为15(10,30)、20(10,30)、15(10,25)、15(10,30)min/d,游泳时间(仅游泳人员)为75(30,150)min/月,土壤接触时间(仅接触人员)为20(10,30)min/d。成年人平均身高、体重、皮肤表面积、长期呼吸量、总饮水量分别为(165.8±8.3)cm、(62.5±11.6)kg、(1.7±0.2)m2、15.2(13.8,18.0)m3/d、900(650,1 250)mL/d,春、夏、秋和冬季洗澡时间分别为15(10,20)、15(10,20)、15(10,20)、15(8,20)min/d,游泳时间(仅游泳人员)为30(15,63)min/月,土壤接触时间(仅接触人员)为120(50,225)min/d。老年人平均身高、体重、皮肤表面积、长期呼吸量、总饮水量分别为(163.8±8.2)cm、(61.0±9.0)kg、(1.5±0.1)m2、13.0(12.3,13.9)m3/d、725(500,1 000)mL/d,春、夏、秋和冬季洗澡时间分别为14(10,20)、15(10,25)、13(10,20)、8(15,20)min/d,游泳时间(仅游泳人员)为30(14,75)min/月,土壤接触时间(仅接触人员)为180(60,360)min/d。成年人、老年人在工作日、休息日室外活动时间呈"双峰分布";未成年人仅在休息日室外活动时间呈"双峰分布"。不同年龄人群室外活动微小环境暴露时间与生活方式、作息时间有关。
      结论 本研究获得了不同性别、年龄典型场地周边人群暴露参数,为今后特定地区尤其是场地周边人群健康风险评价提供数据支持。


      Objective To provide data support for regional environmental health risk assessment by investigating the physical characteristic parameters, intake parameters, and time-activity pattern parameters of the population living around a petrochemical enterprise.
      Methods From April to May of 2021, the nearest primary school and middle school were selected within 5 km of a petrochemical enterprise in Hubei province, China, and the stratified cluster sampling method was used to select the students from 2 to 3 classes and their families members from each grade (whose home addresses were within 5 km around the enterprise and who had lived in this area for more than half a year) as subjects. Exposure parameters were obtained by the method of questionnaire survey and 24-hour activity log.
      Results A total of 763 individuals (353 males and 410 females) were actually surveyed, including 207 juveniles aged 6-17 years, 392 adults aged 18-59 years, and 164 elderly people aged above 60 years. The average height, weight, skin surface area, long-term respiratory capacity, and total water intake of juveniles were (152.8±14.2)cm, (45.0±12.9)kg, (1.4±0.2)m2, 13.5(12.0, 15.4)m3/d, and 679 (475, 900) mL/d, respectively. The bathing time in spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 15(10, 30), 20(10, 30), 15(10, 25) and 15(10, 30) min/d, respectively. The swimming time (for swimmers only) was 75(30, 150) min/month. The soil contact time (only contact personnel) was 20(10, 30) min/d. The average height, weight, skin surface area, long-term respiratory capacity and total water intake of adults were (165.8±8.3) cm, (62.5±11.6) kg, (1.7±0.2) m2, 15.2(13.8, 18.0) m3/d, and 900 (650, 1 250) mL/d, respectively. The bathing time in spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 15(10, 20), 15(10, 20), 15(10, 20) and 15(8, 20) min/d, respectively. The swimming time (for swimmers only) was 30(15, 63) min/month. The soil contact time (only contact personnel) was 120(50, 225) min/d. The average height, weight, skin surface area, long-term respiratory capacity and total water intake of the elderly were (163.8±8.2) cm, (61.0±9.0) kg, (1.5±0.1) m2, 13.0(12.3, 13.9) m3/d, and 725 (500, 1 000) mL/d, respectively. Bathing time in spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 14(10, 20), 15(10, 25), 13(10, 20) and 8(15, 20) min/d, respectively. The swimming time (only swimmers) was 30(14, 75) min/month. The soil contact time (only contact personnel) was 180(60, 360) min/d. The outdoor activity time of adults and elderly people on working days and rest days showed "bimodal distribution", while the outdoor activity time of juveniles showed "bimodal distribution" only on rest days. For the individuals in different age groups, the microenvironment exposure time of outdoor activity was associated with lifestyle and work-rest schedule.
      Conclusion This study obtains the exposure parameters of people with different genders and ages around a typical petrochemical site, which provides data support for the health risk assessment of people in specific areas, especially the areas around typical petrochemical sites in the future.


