程龙凤, 彭明权, 刘汉林, 谭晶双, 向恋, 童磊, 傅荣生. 2020年重庆市万州区4类公共场所健康危害因素监测分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(9): 674-679. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.09.010
    引用本文: 程龙凤, 彭明权, 刘汉林, 谭晶双, 向恋, 童磊, 傅荣生. 2020年重庆市万州区4类公共场所健康危害因素监测分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(9): 674-679. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.09.010
    CHENG Long-feng, PENG Ming-quan, LIU Han-lin, TAN Jing-shuang, XIANG Lian, TONG Lei, FU Rong-sheng. Monitoring results of health hazard factors in four types of public places in Wanzhou district of Chongqing in China, 2020[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(9): 674-679. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.09.010
    Citation: CHENG Long-feng, PENG Ming-quan, LIU Han-lin, TAN Jing-shuang, XIANG Lian, TONG Lei, FU Rong-sheng. Monitoring results of health hazard factors in four types of public places in Wanzhou district of Chongqing in China, 2020[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(9): 674-679. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.09.010


    Monitoring results of health hazard factors in four types of public places in Wanzhou district of Chongqing in China, 2020

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解重庆市万州区公共场所卫生状况, 为进一步加强监督监测提供依据。
      方法 对万州区宾馆(酒店)、理发店、大中型商场(超市)和美容店共4类60家公共场所进行健康危害因素监测。依据《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》(GB37488-2019)和《建筑通风效果测试与评价标准》(JGJ/T309-2013)进行结果评价。
      结果 2020年重庆市万州区60家公共场所共监测652件样品, 合格率为72.86%, 其中宾馆(酒店)、理发店、商场(超市)和美容店样品合格率分别为73.42%、56.67%、72.25%和86.36%, 美容店样品合格率最高, 理发店样品合格率最低, 不同场所样品合格率差异有统计学意(χ2=19.95, P < 0.05)。宾馆(酒店)不合格指标为噪声、PM10、PM2.5、空气细菌总数, 毛巾、漱口杯和电梯按钮中的细菌总数, 电梯按钮中的金黄色葡萄球菌; 其中噪声不合格率最高(67.35%), 其次是毛巾pH值(36.11%), 电梯按钮中金黄色葡萄球菌不合格率为2.78%。理发店不合格指标为噪声、PM10、PM2.5、毛巾和理发剪/梳中的细菌总数和毛巾pH值, 其中噪声不合格率最高(100.00%), 其次是毛巾中细菌总数和pH值(不合格率均为46.67%)。商场(超市)不合格指标为噪声、收银台、购物车/篮中的细菌总数, 其中噪声不合格率最高(100.00%), 其次是收银台细菌总数(18.75%)。美容店不合格指标为毛巾和美容工具中的细菌总数, 美容工具中的大肠菌群。其中美容工具的细菌总数不合格率最高(22.73%), 美容工具中大肠菌群不合格率为2.27%。
      结论 2020年重庆市万州区4类公共场所健康危害因素监测合格率总体较低, 主要是噪声、PM10、PM2.5、细菌总数和毛巾pH值超标。在电梯按钮和美容工具检出金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠菌群, 提示公共用品用具卫生状况较差。建议加强对上述场所突出问题指标的监测力度和监管强度。


      Objective To investigate the sanitation status of public places in Wanzhou district of Chongqing, China, and to provide a basis for further strengthening supervision and monitoring.
      Methods Health hazard factors were monitored in 60 public places in Wanzhou district, including hotels, barbershops, large-and medium-sized shopping malls (supermarkets) and beauty shops. The result were evaluated according to the Hygienic Indicators and Limits for Public Places (GB 37488-2019) and the Standard of the Measurement and Evaluation for Efficiency of Building Ventilation (JGJ/T 309-2013).
      Results In 2020, a total of 652 samples in 60 public places were monitored and showed a qualified rate of 72.86%, and the qualified rates in hotels, barbershops, shopping malls (supermarkets), and beauty shops were 73.42%, 56.67%, 72.25% and 86.36%, respectively; the samples from beauty shops had the highest qualified rate, while those from barbershops had the lowest qualification rate, and there was a significant difference in the qualified rate of samples among the different types of places (χ2 = 19.95, P < 0.05). The unqualified indicators of hotels were noise, PM10, PM2.5, total bacterial count in air, total bacterial count on towels/mouthwash cups/elevator buttons, and Staphylococcus aureus on elevator buttons, among which noise had the highest unqualified rate of 67.35%, followed by the pH value of towels (36.11%), and the unqualified rate of Staphylococcus aureus on elevator buttons was 2.78%. The unqualified indicators of barbershops were noise, PM10 and PM2.5 in air, total bacterial count on towels and hair scissors/combs, and the pH value of towels, among which noise had the highest unqualified rate of 100%, followed by total bacterial count on towels and the pH value of towels (both of unqualified rates were 46.67%). The unqualified indicators of shopping malls (supermarkets) were noise, and total bacterial count on cash registers and shopping carts/baskets, among which noise had the highest unqualified rate of 100%, followed by total bacterial count on cash registers (18.75%). The unqualified indicators of beauty shops were total bacterial count on towels and beauty tools and coliform bacteria on beauty tools, among which total bacterial count on beauty tools had the highest unqualified rate of 22.73%, and coliform bacteria on beauty tools had an unqualified rate of 2.27%.
      Conclusion In 2020, there were relatively low qualified rates of the health hazard factors monitored in the four types of public places in Wanzhou district of Chongqing, mainly the exceedance of noise, PM10 and PM2.5 in air, total bacterial count and towel pH. Staphylococcus aureus and coliform bacteria were detected on elevator buttons and beauty tools, indicating poor sanitation of public goods and appliances. It is recommended to strengthen the monitoring intensity and supervision intensity of the prominent indicators in the above places.


