李晓明, 熊甜甜, 陈璐, 陈俊霖, 樊福成, 付彦芬. 缺氧—厌氧—好氧型户厕粪污处理的效果评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(7): 500-504, 521. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.005
    引用本文: 李晓明, 熊甜甜, 陈璐, 陈俊霖, 樊福成, 付彦芬. 缺氧—厌氧—好氧型户厕粪污处理的效果评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(7): 500-504, 521. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.005
    LI Xiao-ming, XIONG Tian-tian, CHEN Lu, CHEN Jun-lin, FAN Fu-cheng, FU Yan-fen. Effect evaluation of anoxic-anaerobic-oxic household latrine[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(7): 500-504, 521. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.005
    Citation: LI Xiao-ming, XIONG Tian-tian, CHEN Lu, CHEN Jun-lin, FAN Fu-cheng, FU Yan-fen. Effect evaluation of anoxic-anaerobic-oxic household latrine[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(7): 500-504, 521. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.005


    Effect evaluation of anoxic-anaerobic-oxic household latrine

    • 摘要:
      目的 评价缺氧—厌氧—好氧型(anoxic-anaerobic-oxic,AAO)户厕粪污处理效果。
      方法 随机抽取山东省农村地区AAO户厕60户,采集每户化粪池进、出水样,对化学耗氧量(CODcr)、总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、色度、总磷(TP)、pH和粪大肠菌群数(FC)进行检测。
      结果 出水池CODcr、TN、NH3-N、TP的浓度和色度、pHMP25P75)分别为405.00(180.50,585.25)mg/L、193.50(69.00,603.00)mg/L、176.00(80.50,368.75)mg/L、11.00(6.00,16.00)mg/L和162.00(0.50,748.00)度、7.75(7.32,8.04);Wilcoxon秩和检验显示除pH外各指标出水池浓度均低于进水浓度(P<0.05);出水中CODcr、TN、NH3-N、色度、TP、pH和FC的合格率分别为56.67%(34/60)、28.33%(17/60)、25.00%(15/60)、40.00%(24/60)、28.33%(17/60)、85.00%(51/60)和50.00%(30/60);CODcr、TN、NH3-N、色度、TP和FC的平均去除率分别是56.17%、47.12%、44.84%、62.19%、62.53%和72.36%。Logistic回归分析显示生活污水未排入化粪池的户厕无害化效果合格的可能性更高OR=3.999,95%CI:(0.804,19.883),运行时间为2年的户厕无害化效果合格的可能性比3、4年更高OR值分别为2.464和1.507,95%CI分别为(1.015,4.742)和(1.093,1.919)。
      结论 AAO户厕对农村混合污水中FC、CODcr、色度的处理效果较好,对TN、NH3-N和TP处理效果较差。


      Objective To evaluate the sewage treatment effects of household anoxic-anaerobic-oxic (AAO) latrine.
      Methods Sixty rural household AAO latrines in Shandong Province were randomly selected. Influent and effluent wastewater samples from the septic tank of each latrine were collected to test the chemical oxygen demand (CODcr), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), colority, total phosphorus (TP), pH and fecal coliform group (FC).
      Results In effluent tanks, the concentrations of CODcr, TN, NH3-N and TP, as well as the colority and pH vaule in median(P25, P75) were 405.00(180.50, 585.25) mg/L, 193.50(69.00, 603.00) mg/L, 176.00(80.50, 368.75) mg/L, 11.00(6.00, 16.00) mg/L, 162.00(0.50, 748.00) TCU and 7.75(7.32, 8.04), respectively. The Wilcoxon rank sum test showed that all indicators except pH were significantly lower in effluent samples than in influent samples (P<0.05). The qualification rates of CODcr, TN, NH3-N, colority, TP, pH and FC in effluent samples were 56.67%(34/60), 28.33%(17/60), 25.00%(15/60), 40.00%(24/60), 28.33%(17/60), 85.00%(51/60), and 50.00%(30/60), respectively. The mean removal rates of CODcr, TN, NH3-N, colority, TP and FC were 56.17%, 47.12%, 44.84%, 62.19%, 62.53% and 72.36%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that the household latrines of no sewage discharging into the septic tankOR=3.999, 95%CI: (0.804, 19.883) and the 2-year running time household latrine had higher harmless effect qualification rates than those of 3 and 4 yearsOR values were 2.464 and 1.507, and 95% CI were(1.015, 4.742) and (1.093, 1.919), respectively.
      Conclusion AAO toilets show good performance in treating FC, CODcr and colority in rural mixed sewage, but poor on TN, NH3-N and TP.


