赵蕙琳, 金壮, 蒋南, 李守超, 孔繁奇, 张佳琦, 曹军英. 辽宁省基层超声筛查中被动吸烟与乳腺疾病的相关性分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(7): 493-499. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.004
    引用本文: 赵蕙琳, 金壮, 蒋南, 李守超, 孔繁奇, 张佳琦, 曹军英. 辽宁省基层超声筛查中被动吸烟与乳腺疾病的相关性分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(7): 493-499. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.004
    ZHAO Hui-lin, JIN Zhuang, JIANG Nan, LI Shou-chao, KONG Fan-qi, ZHANG Jia-qi, CAO Jun-ying. Analysis of relationship between passive smoking and breast diseases in primary-level ultrasound screening in Liaoning Province, China[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(7): 493-499. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.004
    Citation: ZHAO Hui-lin, JIN Zhuang, JIANG Nan, LI Shou-chao, KONG Fan-qi, ZHANG Jia-qi, CAO Jun-ying. Analysis of relationship between passive smoking and breast diseases in primary-level ultrasound screening in Liaoning Province, China[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(7): 493-499. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.07.004


    Analysis of relationship between passive smoking and breast diseases in primary-level ultrasound screening in Liaoning Province, China

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析被动吸烟暴露对乳腺疾病的影响,为女性乳腺疾病超声筛查及控烟工作提供有效依据。
      方法 2021年5—8月对辽宁省沈阳、东港、凤城等地的城乡地区妇女采用手持超声仪进行乳腺疾病筛查,最终纳入有效筛查1 973人,分析人口学特征和被动吸烟相关因素对乳腺疾病之间、被动吸烟相关因素与乳腺影像报告和数据系统(breast imaging reporting and data system,BI-RADS)分类之间的关系,并分析乳腺疾病的危险因素。
      结果 两组研究对象的年龄组、BMI、乳腺癌家族史以及闭经情况构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为24.56、14.35、26.38、7.19,P<0.05);被动吸烟暴露、接触被动吸烟时的主要场所、所在环境、身边密切接触的人数、次数以及年限与乳腺疾病之间构成比差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为11.94、20.98、12.81、12.41、35.17、47.50,P<0.05);多因素Logistic回归显示被动吸烟暴露是患乳腺疾病的危险因素,OR(95%CI)值为5.414(2.745~10.680);本省基层妇女在开放环境中接触被动吸烟时患乳腺疾病具有较高的风险,OR(95%CI)值为1.780(1.191~2.660);在身边密切接触吸烟人数中,接触2~3人时患乳腺疾病的风险最高,OR(95%CI)值为1.947(1.339~2.831);妇女每周接触被动吸烟4~6次或>6次时均对乳腺疾病有较高的风险,OR(95%CI)值分别为2.656(1.465~4.815)、2.114(1.153~3.877);妇女接触被动吸烟≥30年是患乳腺疾病的危险因素,OR(95%CI)值为71.090(33.517~150.785)。与不同BI-RADS分类病例的被动吸烟暴露、接触被动吸烟时主要场所、所在环境、身边密切接触吸烟人数、次数以及年限构成比差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为12.69、27.08、20.60、15.50、16.26、13.95,P<0.05)。被动吸烟暴露是影响BI-RADS分类的独立危险因素,OR(95%CI)值为2.789(1.277~6.094)。
      结论 被动吸烟暴露可能增加女性患乳腺疾病的风险,其中被动吸烟时的环境、身边密切接触吸烟的人数、次数和年限等是影响因素。


      Objective To analyze the relationship between passive smoking and breast diseases in primary-level ultrasound screening in Liaoning province, China, and to provide a basis for women's breast screening and tobacco control.
      Methods From May to August 2021, women in urban and rural areas in Shenyang, Donggang, Fengcheng and other places in Liaoning Province were screened for breast diseases with a handheld ultrasound machine. 1 973 people who were effectively screened were included. The effects of demographic characteristics and passive smoking-related factors on breast diseases were analyzed. Associations between diseases, passive smoking-related factors and BI-RADS classification, and analysis of risk factors for breast diseases.
      Results There were significant differences in the age group, BMI, family history of breast cancer and amenorrhea between the two groups of subjects (χ2 were 24.56, 14.35, 26.38, 7.19, respectively, P<0.05); passive smoking exposure, exposure to passive smoking There were statistically significant differences between the main place, the environment, the number of people who were in close contact with them, the number of times, and the age of the breast disease at the time of the study (χ2 were 11.94, 20.98, 12.81, 12.41, 35.17, 47.50, P<0.05); Multivariate Logistic regression showed that passive smoking exposure was a risk factor for breast disease (OR=5.414, 95%CI: 2.745-10.680); grass-roots women in the province who were exposed to passive smoking in an open environment had a higher risk of developing breast disease (OR=1.780, 95%CI: 1.191-2.660); among the people who are in close contact with smokers, the risk of breast disease is highest when they are in contact with 2-3 people (OR=1.947, 95%CI: 1.339-2.831); women who were exposed to passive smoking 4-6 times or more than 6 times a week had a higher risk of breast disease (OR=2.656, 95%CI: 1.465-4.815), (OR=2.114, 95%CI: 1.153-3.877); women's exposure to passive smoking for more than 30 years was a risk factor for breast disease (OR=71.090, 95%CI: 33.517-150.785). There were statistically significant differences between the passive smoking exposure, the main places when exposed to passive smoking, the environment, the number of people who were in close contact with smokers, the number of times, and the composition ratio of years between cases with different BI-RADS classifications (χ2 were 12.69, 27.08, 20.60, 15.50, 16.26, 13.95, respectively, P<0.05). Passive smoking exposure was an independent risk factor for BI-RADS classification (OR=2.789, 95%CI: 1.277-6.094).
      Conclusion Exposure to passive smoking may increase the risk of breast disease in women, among which the passive smoking environment, the number, frequency and years of close contact with smoking are the influencing factors.


