任萌, 刘言玉, 李道娟, 郝雅慧, 师苗苗, 王莹莹, 贺宇彤. 河北省PM2.5长期暴露的肺癌死亡负担及经济损失[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(5): 345-350. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.05.004
    引用本文: 任萌, 刘言玉, 李道娟, 郝雅慧, 师苗苗, 王莹莹, 贺宇彤. 河北省PM2.5长期暴露的肺癌死亡负担及经济损失[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2022, 12(5): 345-350. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.05.004
    REN Meng, LIU Yan-yu, LI Dao-juan, HAO Ya-hui, SHI Miao-miao, WANG Ying-ying, HE Yu-tong. Lung cancer mortality burden and economic losses caused by long-term exposure to PM2.5 in Hebei Province, China[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(5): 345-350. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.05.004
    Citation: REN Meng, LIU Yan-yu, LI Dao-juan, HAO Ya-hui, SHI Miao-miao, WANG Ying-ying, HE Yu-tong. Lung cancer mortality burden and economic losses caused by long-term exposure to PM2.5 in Hebei Province, China[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2022, 12(5): 345-350. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2022.05.004


    Lung cancer mortality burden and economic losses caused by long-term exposure to PM2.5 in Hebei Province, China

    • 摘要:
      目的 评估2017年河北省因细颗粒物(fine particulate matter, PM2.5)长期暴露的肺癌死亡负担及经济损失, 为河北省空气污染的治理及肺癌负担减轻提供参考。
      方法 选取达尔豪斯大学大气成分分析组所发布的PM2.5数据及美国国家航空航天局(NASA)提供的全球人口空间分布数据, 基于全球暴露死亡模型(GEMM)评估2017年河北省因PM2.5长期暴露的肺癌超额死亡人数, 并采用统计生命价值法估计其对应的健康经济损失。
      结果 2014—2017年河北省PM2.5年均质量浓度为47.31 μg/m3, 约有47.45%的人生活在PM2.5年均质量浓度超过国家二级限值(35 μg/m3)的地区; 2017年河北省因PM2.5长期暴露的肺癌超额死亡人数约为7 071(95%CI: 4 448, 9 503)人, 排名前5位的城市依次是石家庄市、保定市、邯郸市、沧州市和邢台市; 2017年河北省归因于PM2.5长期暴露的肺癌超额死亡造成的健康经济损失约为50.69(95%CI: 31.80, 68.00)亿元, 占河北省2017年国内生产总值的0.36%(95%CI: 0.23%, 0.48%), 经济损失排名前5位的城市依次是石家庄市、沧州市、保定市、唐山市和邯郸市, 5个城市经济损失总和占全省经济总损失的70.86%。
      结论 PM2.5长期暴露对河北省肺癌死亡造成了严重的疾病负担以及经济损失, 污染较高地区的负担也相应较高, 应该有针对性的采取控制管理措施, 以降低PM2.5的污染, 减少其所带来的健康负担及经济损失。


      Objective To evaluate the lung cancer mortality burden and economic losses attributed to long-term exposure to fine particulate matter(PM2.5) in Hebei Province, China in 2017, and to provide a basis for the control of air pollution and reduction of lung cancer burden in Hebei Province.
      Methods By using the PM2.5 data released by Dalhousie Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group and the regional population spatial distribution data from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), this study estimated excess lung cancer mortality attributed to long-term exposure to PM2.5 in Hebei Province in 2017 based on Global Exposure Mortality Model (GEMM). Value of Statistic Life (VSL) method was used to evaluate the corresponding health economic losses.
      Results In Hebei Province, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 during 2014-2017 was 47.31 g/m3, and about 47.45% of total population lived in areas where annual average concentration exceeded Grade Ⅱ national standard (35 g/m3) described in the National Ambient Air Quality Standard. In 2017, the PM2.5-related excess lung cancer mortality was 7 071 persons (95% CI: 4 448-9 503), and the top five cities were Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Handan, Cangzhou, and Xingtai. In 2017, the corresponding health economic losses were 5.069 billion yuan (95% CI: 3.18-6.80 billion yuan), accounting for 0.36% (95% CI: 0.23%-0.48%) of the GDP of Hebei Province in 2017, and the top five cities were Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, Baoding, Tangshan, and Handan, accounting for 70.86% of all health economic losses.
      Conclusion Long-term exposure to PM2.5 has caused serious lung cancer mortality burden and economic losses in Hebei Province, with high burden in heavily polluted areas. Specific control and management measures should be taken to reduce the concentration of PM2.5 and thus the mortality burden and economic losses.


