姜帅, 余淑苑, 陈国敏, 方道奎, 冯锦姝, 彭朝琼. 《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生规范》实施情况调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2021, 11(6): 529-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.06.009
    引用本文: 姜帅, 余淑苑, 陈国敏, 方道奎, 冯锦姝, 彭朝琼. 《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生规范》实施情况调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2021, 11(6): 529-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.06.009
    JIANG Shuai, YU Shuyuan, CHEN Guomin, FANG Daokui, FENG Jinshu, PENG Chaoqiong. Survey on Implementation of the Hygienic Specification of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Buildings[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2021, 11(6): 529-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.06.009
    Citation: JIANG Shuai, YU Shuyuan, CHEN Guomin, FANG Daokui, FENG Jinshu, PENG Chaoqiong. Survey on Implementation of the Hygienic Specification of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Buildings[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2021, 11(6): 529-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.06.009


    Survey on Implementation of the Hygienic Specification of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Buildings

    • 摘要:
      目的 调查和分析《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生规范》(WS 394-2012)(以下简称"《规范》")实施过程中相关单位的使用情况和存在问题, 为规范修订工作提供技术支持。
      方法 2019年10—12月, 选择广东省及江苏省的4个区和重庆市的3个区的集中空调使用单位、检测单位及监督执法单位共84家单位进行《规范》实施情况的问卷调查。
      结果 共收集调查问卷156份。100%的集中空调通风系统使用单位认为《规范》的出台对集中空调通风系统日常卫生管理工作起到促进作用。80.4%的监督执法人员认为《规范》实施后其所在地区公共场所集中空调通风系统的卫生状况有了显著改善。79.2%的使用单位能够达到《规范》中的卫生管理要求, 但仅有12.5%的使用单位达到《规范》中的设计卫生要求。新风量、空气净化消毒装置、送风口和回风口均配置防虫媒装置、应急关闭回风和新风装置均配备的达标率分别为50.0%、56.3%、60.4%和66.7%。1类场馆新风量的达标率(40.0%)显著低于2类场馆(76.9%), 半集中式空调系统的空气净化消毒装置及防虫媒装置配置的达标率(分别为44.8%和48.3%)显著低于集中式空调系统(分别为73.7%和78.9%), 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。90.0%的检测单位开展了集中空调通风系统卫生学检测工作, 但是65.0%的检测单位不具备《规范》中10项指标的检测能力, 45.0%的检测单位未配备集中空调风管内表面采样机器人的设备。检测单位无法开展的项目主要是送风中嗜肺军团菌、β-溶血性链球菌、新风量及冷却水和冷凝水中嗜肺军团菌, 主要原因是缺少设备、缺少检验人员及检验方法开展难度大。监督执法单位每年至少开展1次卫生监督工作, 87.5%的监督执法人员接受过《规范》的宣贯培训, 但56.5%的人员不能熟练掌握卫生管理知识。
      结论 《规范》的实施对我国公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生状况改善起到一定的促进作用, 但是目前仍存在使用单位设计卫生不达标、检测单位能力不足、监督执法人员对条款熟练程度不足、部分条款实施存在难度等现象。建议今后加强使用单位集中空调卫生设备的配备, 加强检测单位的能力建设和监督执法单位的技术培训; 加强集中空调通风系统检测方法研制工作, 为今后《规范》修订提供技术储备。


      Objective To investigate the use situation and problems of relevant institutions in the implementation of the Hygienic Specification of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Buildings (WS 394-2012), and to provide technical support for the revision of the specification.
      Methods We conducted a questionnaire survey on the implementation of the specification among 84 institutions including central air conditioner users, testing agencies, and supervision and law enforcement agencies in 4 districts of Guangdong province and Jiangsu province and 3 districts of Chongqing municipality, China from October to December in 2019.
      Results A total of 156 questionnaires were collected. All institutional users believed that the specification promoted the routine hygiene management of the central air conditioning ventilation system. Of the supervision and law enforcement personnel, 80.4% believed that there was a significant improvement in the hygiene of the central air conditioning ventilation system in local public buildings after the implementation of the specification. Of the institutional users, 79.2% could reach all the hygiene management requirements in the specification, and only 12.5% of the institutional users could reach the hygienic design requirements in the specification. The compliance rate was 50.0% for fresh air volume, 56.3% for the air purification and disinfection device, 60.4% for the insect vector control device for both the fresh air outlet and return air inlet, and 66.7% for the emergency shutdown device for both return air and fresh air. The compliance rate of fresh air volume of class 1 buildings was significantly lower than that of class 2 buildings (40.0% vs 76.9%, P < 0.05). The semi-central air conditioning system had significantly lower compliance rates than the central air conditioning system in equipping the air purification and disinfection device (44.8% vs 73.7%, P < 0.05) and the insect vector control device (48.3% vs 78.9%, P < 0.05). As for the testing agencies, 90.0% carried out hygienic testing of the central air conditioning ventilation system, but 65.0% had no capacity to test 10 items required in the specification, and 45.0% were not equipped with robots to take samples on the inner surface of central air conditioner ducts. The items that the testing agencies could not test mainly included Legionella pneumophila and β-hemolytic streptococci in air supply, fresh air volume, and Legionella pneumophila in cooling water and condensate. The main reasons included the difficulty in conducting testing and lack of testing personnel and facilities. The supervision and law enforcement agencies carried out hygiene supervision at least once a year, and 87.5% of the supervision and law enforcement personnel received publicity and implementation training on the specification, but 56.5% could not master the knowledge of hygiene management.
      Conclusion The implementation of the specification promotes the improvement of the hygiene of the central air conditioning ventilation system in public buildings in China. However, there still exist some problems, such as unqualified hygienic design of institutional users, insufficient capacity of testing agencies, insufficient item knowledge of supervision and law enforcement personnel, and difficulty in the implementation of some items. It is recommended to strengthen the hygienic equipment of the central air conditioning ventilation system in institutional users, improve the capacity of testing agencies, strengthen the technical training for supervision and law enforcement agencies, and strengthen the development of testing method for the central air conditioning ventilation system, in order to provide a technical basis for future revision of the specification.


