单冰, 张扬, 孙兴, 曹萌, 钟庆, 崔永学, 秦大中, 崔亮亮, 彭秀苗. 2018年济南市公共场所卫生状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2021, 11(5): 431-437. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.05.007
    引用本文: 单冰, 张扬, 孙兴, 曹萌, 钟庆, 崔永学, 秦大中, 崔亮亮, 彭秀苗. 2018年济南市公共场所卫生状况分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2021, 11(5): 431-437. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.05.007
    SHAN Bing, ZHANG Yang, SUN Xing, CAO Meng, ZHONG Qing, CUI Yongxue, QIN Dazhong, CUI Liangliang, PENG Xiumiao. Hygiene of Public Place in Jinan, China, 2018[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2021, 11(5): 431-437. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.05.007
    Citation: SHAN Bing, ZHANG Yang, SUN Xing, CAO Meng, ZHONG Qing, CUI Yongxue, QIN Dazhong, CUI Liangliang, PENG Xiumiao. Hygiene of Public Place in Jinan, China, 2018[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2021, 11(5): 431-437. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.05.007


    Hygiene of Public Place in Jinan, China, 2018

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解济南市公共场所卫生状况,为加强公共场所卫生管理提供依据和技术支持。
      方法 对济南市7个区的宾馆(酒店)、游泳场(馆)、沐浴场所、理发(美容)店4类公共场所开展卫生状况监测。按照《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》(GB 37488-2019)进行结果评价。
      结果 2018年共监测济南市103家公共场所,合格62家,合格率为60.19%,其中宾馆(酒店)的合格率最高,沐浴场所的合格率最低,宾馆(酒店)、理发店/美容院、游泳场(馆)及沐浴场所的合格率分别为78.57%、62.50%、42.86%、20.00%。2018年共采集济南市4类公共场所样品1 543份,合格1 427份,合格率为92.48%,其中宾馆(酒店)的样品合格率最高,游泳场(馆)的样品合格率最低,宾馆(酒店)、游泳场(馆)、沐浴场所、理发店/美容院合格率分别为96.47%、52.57%、83.21%、85.96%。宾馆(酒店)测定的指标中,二甲苯、一氧化碳、毛巾细菌总数及金黄色葡萄球菌、漱口杯大肠菌群及金黄色葡萄球菌、茶具细菌总数、大肠菌群及金黄色葡萄球菌、床单大肠菌群及金黄色葡萄球菌的合格率均为100%,苯的合格率最低,为80.77%。游泳场(馆)检测的相关指标均存在超标现象,尤其是游泳池水消毒剂余量、浸脚池水游离余氯超标严重,合格率较低,分别为58.62%、53.85%。淋浴场所中毛巾、浴衣的细菌总数、大肠菌群及金黄色葡萄球菌的合格率均为100%,浴池水消毒剂余量的合格率最低,为29.17%。理发店/美容院测定的指标中,苯、甲苯、二甲苯的合格率均为100%,毛巾的细菌总数合格率较低,为85.71%。
      结论 2018年济南市公共场所卫生状况总体良好,但沐浴场所合格率相对较低,建议进一步加强卫生监督和管理。


      Objective To investigate the hygienic status of public places in Jinan, China in 2018, and to provide basis and technical support for strengthening the hygiene management of public places.
      Methods Hygienic surveillance was performed for hotels, swimming pools, bathing places, and barbershops in seven districts of Jinan, and the results were evaluated according to the Hygienic Indicators and Limits For Public Places (GB 37488- 2019).
      Results A total of 103 public places in Jinan were monitored in 2018, among which 62 were qualified, with A qualified rate of 60.19%. Hotels had the highest qualified rate, while bathing places had the lowest qualified rate, and the qualified rates of hotels, barbershops/beauty salons, swimming pools, and bathing places were 78.57%, 62.50%, 42.86%, and 20.00%, respectively. A total of 1 543 samples were collected from 4 types of public places in Jinan in 2018, among which 1 427 were qualified, with A qualified rate of 92.48%. The samples from hotels had the highest qualified rate, while those from swimming pools had the lowest qualified rate, and the qualified rates of samples from hotels, swimming pools, bathing places, and barbershops/beauty salons were 96.47%, 52.57%, 83.21%, and 85.96%, respectively. For the indicators measured for hotels, A qualified rate of 100% was observed for xylene, carbon monoxide, total bacteria/Staphylococcus aureus in towels, coliform/Staphylococcus aureus in glasses for mouth rinsing, total bacteria/coliform/Staphylococcus aureus in tea set, and coliform/Staphylococcus aureus in bed sheet, and benzene had the lowest qualified rate of 80.77%. The relevant indicators measured for swimming pools exceeded the standard, especially the residual amount of disinfectant in swimming pool water and free residual chlorine in foot pool water, with qualified rates of 58.62% and 53.85%, respectively. For bathing places, total bacteria, coliform, and Staphylococcus aureus in towels and bathrobes had A qualified rate of 100%, and the residual amount of disinfectant in swimming pool water had the lowest qualified rate of 29.17%. For the indicators measured for barbershops/beauty salons, benzene, toluene, and xylene had A qualified rate of 100%, and total bacteria in towels had the lowest qualified rate of 85.71%.
      Conclusion There is A generally good hygienic status of public places in Jinan in 2018, but bathing places have A relatively low qualified rate, and therefore, it is recommended to further strengthen hygiene supervision and management.


