李红, 江莉, 石月欣, 咸鹏, 谢忠尧, 单娇, 刘颖, 刘立飞, 陈辉. 新型冠状病毒肺炎定点医院中院感防控体系的构建和作用[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2021, 11(2): 220-223. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.02.020
    引用本文: 李红, 江莉, 石月欣, 咸鹏, 谢忠尧, 单娇, 刘颖, 刘立飞, 陈辉. 新型冠状病毒肺炎定点医院中院感防控体系的构建和作用[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2021, 11(2): 220-223. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.02.020
    LI Hong, JIANG Li, SHI Yuexin, XIAN Peng, XIE Zhongyao, SHAN Jiao, LIU Ying, LIU Lifei, CHEN Hui. Construction and Role of a Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control System in Designated Hospitals for COVID-19[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2021, 11(2): 220-223. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.02.020
    Citation: LI Hong, JIANG Li, SHI Yuexin, XIAN Peng, XIE Zhongyao, SHAN Jiao, LIU Ying, LIU Lifei, CHEN Hui. Construction and Role of a Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control System in Designated Hospitals for COVID-19[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2021, 11(2): 220-223. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2021.02.020


    Construction and Role of a Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control System in Designated Hospitals for COVID-19

    • 摘要: 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情在医院内传播的潜在风险给医护工作者及患者健康带来巨大威胁。因此,建立院感三级网络防控体系,健全相关制度措施并逐级传达落实,对于有效防控院内感染显得尤为重要。COVID-19疫情防控过程中,中国武汉各定点医院由外省多个援助队伍和本地区医务人员共同完成医疗救治工作。工作中建立了由三级网络组成的院感防控体系,该体系最高级以原医院的院级领导和各援助医疗队的领队构成,同时包含该医院原有院感管理科室和各医疗队的院感负责人;第二级为医院感染管理科,由原医院和各医疗队医院感染专职人员组成,第三级是各个病区的感控小组(包括科室负责人和护士长等)。疫情期间,该体系保障医院防控工作有序进行,降低了院内感染的发生。


      Abstract: The potential risk of the spread of COVID-19 epidemic in hospitals poses great threat to the health of medical workers and patients. Hence, it is of great importance to establish a three-level nosocomial infection prevention and control system, improve related measures, and ensure its implementation at each level, so as to effectively prevent and control nosocomial infection. During the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, medical rescue treatment was jointly performed by local medical workers and various aid teams from other provinces in the designated hospitals in Wuhan, China. A three-level nosocomial infection prevention and control system was established. The highest level consisted of the leaders of original hospitals, the leaders of aid teams, and the persons responsible for nosocomial infection from nosocomial infection management departments and each medical team; the second level was nosocomial infection management department consisting of full-time personnel engaged in nosocomial infection from the original hospital and the medical teams; the third level was the nosocomial infection control group of each ward, including the department leader and the head nurse. This system enabled the medical workers to conduct the prevention and control work in an orderly manner and effectively reduced the incidence rate of nosocomial infection in designated hospitals.


