赵艳芳, 王胜, 李广普, 张靖伟. 2015—2018年上海市朱泾镇居民死因分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2020, 10(4): 396-402. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.04.013
    引用本文: 赵艳芳, 王胜, 李广普, 张靖伟. 2015—2018年上海市朱泾镇居民死因分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2020, 10(4): 396-402. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.04.013
    ZHAO Yanfang, WANG Sheng, LI Guangpu, ZHANG Jingwei. Death Causes Analysis among Residents in Zhujing Town, Shanghai, China, 2015—2018[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2020, 10(4): 396-402. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.04.013
    Citation: ZHAO Yanfang, WANG Sheng, LI Guangpu, ZHANG Jingwei. Death Causes Analysis among Residents in Zhujing Town, Shanghai, China, 2015—2018[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2020, 10(4): 396-402. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.04.013


    Death Causes Analysis among Residents in Zhujing Town, Shanghai, China, 2015—2018

    • 摘要:
      目的 通过分析2015—2018年上海市朱泾镇居民死因构成及其变化趋势,确定影响居民健康的主要问题,为本辖区卫生政策的制定提供科学依据。
      方法 利用2015—2018年上海市朱泾镇居民死因监测系统数据,按照国际疾病分类标准(ICD-10)进行死因分类,采用Excel 2010进行数据整理,SPSS 20.0统计软件进行统计分析,计算粗死亡率(简称死亡率)、死亡构成比、标化死亡率(SMR)、年度变化百分比(APC)、潜在减寿年数(PYLL)、平均减寿年数(AYLL)及减寿率等进行居民死因分析。
      结果 2015—2018年上海市朱泾镇居民死亡率为942.81/10万,标化死亡率为485.46/10万,其中男性死亡率(1 029.10/10万)较女性死亡率(857.17/10万)高,差异具有统计学意义(χ2=21.71,P < 0.01),且男性死亡率呈升高趋势(t=4.50,P < 0.05);居民前五位死亡顺位分别是循环系统疾病、恶性肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病、伤害和内分泌及营养代谢性疾病,其中男性死因顺位第一位是恶性肿瘤,女性死因首位是循环系统疾病;循环系统疾病死亡率自55岁~年龄段开始增加并呈指数增长,恶性肿瘤死亡率自40岁~年龄段开始增加并呈指数增长,伤害自75岁~年龄段开始骤增,且以意外跌落为主;上海市朱泾镇居民(1~69)岁死亡者中,全部死因造成的潜在减寿年数为13 870.41人/a,平均减寿年数为22.37 a,平均减寿年数前5位依次为恶性肿瘤、循环系统疾病、伤害、内分泌及营养代谢性疾病和神经系统疾病,AYLL值分别为24.16、7.37、5.77、1.06和0.93年。
      结论 朱泾镇居民的死因以慢性非传染性疾病(循环系统疾病和恶性肿瘤等)和伤害为主,其中恶性肿瘤导致的寿命损失最大,是防控的重点。


      Objective To analyze the composition and changing trend of causes of death among residents in Zhujing Town, Shanghai, China, 2015-2018, to identify the main issues affecting residents' health, and to provide a scientific basis for the formulation of health policy in this area.
      Methods The data from the Coroner Surveillance System of Zhujing Town in Shanghai from 2015 to 2018 were collected. The causes of death were classified in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Excel 2010 was used to collate the data, and SPSS 20.0 was used to perform statistical analyses on crude death rate (mortality rate for short), composition ratio of causes of death, standardized mortality ratio (SMR), annual percent change (APC), potential years of life lost (PYLL), average years of life lost (AYLL), and PYLL rate, etc.
      Results The mortality rate of residents in Zhujing Town was 942.81/105, and the SMR was 485.46/105. The mortality rate of males was significantly higher than that of females (1 029.10/105 vs 857.17/105, χ2=21.71, P < 0.01) and showed an increasing trend (t=4.50, P=0.046). The top five causes of death were circulatory diseases, malignant tumors, respiratory diseases, injuries, and endocrine/nutritional/metabolic diseases. The leading cause of death was malignant tumors in males and circulatory diseases in females. The mortality rate of circulatory diseases began to increase and grow exponentially since the age of 55; the mortality rate of malignant tumors began to increase and grow exponentially since the age of 40; the mortality rate of injuries began to increase sharply since the age of 75, and accidental fall was the main cause. Among the residents who died at the age from 1 to 69 in Zhujing Town, the PYLL caused by all reasons was 13 870.41 years, and the AYLL was 22.37 years; the top five AYLL values were caused by malignant tumors, circulatory diseases, injuries, endocrine/nutritional/metabolic diseases, and nervous system diseases, which were 24.16, 7.37, 5.77, 1.06 and 0.93 years, respectively.
      Conclusion The main causes of death among residents in Zhujing Town are chronic non-communicable diseases (circulatory diseases and malignant tumors, etc.) and injuries, and malignant tumors account for the most years of life lost, which are the focus of prevention and control.


