詹小海, 林在生, 卢翠英. 福建省旅店业从业人员健康状况自报率及影响因素分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2020, 10(3): 300-305. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.017
    引用本文: 詹小海, 林在生, 卢翠英. 福建省旅店业从业人员健康状况自报率及影响因素分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2020, 10(3): 300-305. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.017
    ZHAN Xiaohai, LIN Zaisheng, LU Cuiying. Self-report Rate and Related Influencing Factors of Employees' Health in Hotels in Fujian Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2020, 10(3): 300-305. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.017
    Citation: ZHAN Xiaohai, LIN Zaisheng, LU Cuiying. Self-report Rate and Related Influencing Factors of Employees' Health in Hotels in Fujian Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2020, 10(3): 300-305. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.017


    Self-report Rate and Related Influencing Factors of Employees' Health in Hotels in Fujian Province

    • 摘要:
      目的  了解福建省旅店业从业人员健康症状自报率,探讨影响因素。
      方法  采用横断面调查的方法对72家宾馆(酒店)从业人员636人的基本信息、工作场所环境因素、自我感觉或症状进行调查,比较从业人员人口统计学特征对自报率的影响,采用logistic回归分析探讨其影响因素。
      结果  本次调查从业人员中女性占70.4%(448/636),年龄(30~59)岁人员占68.9%(438/636),文化程度初、高中占71.9%(457/636),工龄(1~10)年占72.2%(459/636)。呼吸系统症状、眼睛症状、皮肤症状及其他感觉或症状的自报率分别为47.3%(301/636)、17.8%(113/636)、12.4%(79/636)和22.0%(140/636);有刺激性气味对眼部症状影响最大,OR(95%CI)为6.53(2.51,16.97);空气干燥对呼吸系统症状的影响最大,OR(95%CI)为3.61(1.95,6.68);使用洗手液或肥皂是呼吸系统症状发生的保护因素,OR(95%CI)为0.27(0.10,0.73)。
      结论  加强旅店业卫生管理,提升从业人员个人卫生意识,保护从业人员健康。


      Objectives  To explore the self-report rate of health status of employees in hotels in Fujian Province and discuss related influencing factors.
      Methods  Basic information, workplace environmental factors, self-perceptions or symptoms of 636 employees in 72 hotels were surveyed using a cross-sectional survey method to compare the influence of demographic characteristics of employees on self-report rate. Logistic regression analysis was adopted to discuss its influencing factors.
      Results  In this survey, women accounted for 70.4% (448/636) of the surveyed employees, employees aged 30-59 accounted for 68.9% (438/636), employees with junior and senior high school degree accounted for 71.9% (457/636), and employees with working age of 1-10 years accounted for 72.2% (459/636). The self-report rate of respiratory system, eyes, skin and other feelings or symptoms were 47.3 % (301/636), 17.8 %(113/636), 12.4 %(79/636) and 22.0 %(140/636), respectively. The pungent odor affected ophthalmologic symptoms the most with OR (95%CI) of 6.53(2.51, 16.97), and the dry air affected the respiratory system symptoms the most with OR (95%CI) of 3.61(1.95, 6.68). The use of liquid soap or soap was a prtective factor for respiratory system symptoms with OR (95%CI) of 0.27 (0.10, 0.73).
      Conclusions  It was suggested to strengthen the sanitation management of hotels, improve personal hygiene awareness of employees, and protect the health of employees.


