段弘扬, 任春琼, 张伟, 逄波, 任东升, 许宁, 姚孝元, 王哲. 四川长宁“6.0”级地震灾后卫生状况与健康需求快速评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2020, 10(3): 323-328. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.015
    引用本文: 段弘扬, 任春琼, 张伟, 逄波, 任东升, 许宁, 姚孝元, 王哲. 四川长宁“6.0”级地震灾后卫生状况与健康需求快速评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2020, 10(3): 323-328. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.015
    DUAN Hongyang, REN Chunqiong, ZHANG Wei, PANG Bo, REN Dongsheng, XU Ning, YAO Xiaoyuan, WANG Zhe. Rapid Assessment of the Health Status and Needs after the Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake in Changning County, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2020, 10(3): 323-328. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.015
    Citation: DUAN Hongyang, REN Chunqiong, ZHANG Wei, PANG Bo, REN Dongsheng, XU Ning, YAO Xiaoyuan, WANG Zhe. Rapid Assessment of the Health Status and Needs after the Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake in Changning County, Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2020, 10(3): 323-328. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2020.03.015


    Rapid Assessment of the Health Status and Needs after the Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake in Changning County, Sichuan Province

    • 摘要:
      目的  评估四川长宁"6.0"级地震灾区阶段性公共卫生状况与灾区居民健康需求。
      方法  2019年6月20日,通过调查问卷和现场访谈的方式,对长宁县双河镇、珙县巡场镇11个临时居民安置点进行快速调查评估。
      结果  11个被调查的临时安置点中,有10个为集中安置;饮用水方面,10个安置点的饮水以瓶装矿泉水为主,7个安置点的生活用水为自来水,其余4个为应急供水;食品主要为民政部门提供的方便食品和热食餐盒,10个安置点为集中供餐;环境卫生整体状况良好,震后初期个别安置点附近存在随地大小便、粪便暴露的情况;安置点均提供医疗卫生服务和公共卫生服务。
      结论  地震灾区整体公共卫生状况良好,但部分临时居民安置点饮用水存在安全隐患,环境卫生状况有待改善,需注意加强灾区饮用水卫生、重视安置点环境卫生,加强健康教育,重点关注肠道传染病和呼吸道传染病等灾后常见传染病的发生。


      Objectives  To assess public health status and requirement of residents' health resources after magnitude 6.0 (on the Richter scale) earthquake in Changning County, Sichuan Province.
      Methods  All of the 11 temporary resettlements in Changning County and Gong County were quickly investigated and evaluated by the questionnaire survey and on-site interview on June 20, 2019.
      Results  10 of the 11 temporary resettlements were centralized resettlement. Bottled mineral water is the main drinking water in 10 resettlement sites. 7 resettlements used piped water and the remaining 4 used emergency water supply for domestic usage. The food was mainly convenient food provided by civil affairs departments, and 10 of all the resettlements were provided with uniformly processed food and dishes. The overall environmental sanitation was in good condition, but in the early stage after the earthquake, there were defecation everywhere and fecal exposure near individual resettlement sites. Medical services and public health services were provided in all the resettlements.
      Conclusions  The overall public health status of the earthquake-stricken areas was in good condition, but there were hidden dangers in drinking water of some temporary resettlements, and the environmental sanitation needed to be improved. It was necessary to strengthen drinking water sanitation, environmental sanitation and health education. And the diseases after disasters, such as intestinal infectious diseases and respiratory infectious diseases, should be focused on.


