王琼, 董小艳, 沈玉, 高莹, 方建龙. 南京市某区大气颗粒物有害元素分布富集及风险特征[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2019, 9(6): 532-539. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.06.003
    引用本文: 王琼, 董小艳, 沈玉, 高莹, 方建龙. 南京市某区大气颗粒物有害元素分布富集及风险特征[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2019, 9(6): 532-539. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.06.003
    WANG Qiong, DONG Xiaoyan, SHEN Yu, GAO Ying, FANG Jianlong. Distribution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Hazardous Elements in Atmospheric Particulate Matters in a District of Nanjing[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2019, 9(6): 532-539. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.06.003
    Citation: WANG Qiong, DONG Xiaoyan, SHEN Yu, GAO Ying, FANG Jianlong. Distribution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Hazardous Elements in Atmospheric Particulate Matters in a District of Nanjing[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2019, 9(6): 532-539. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.06.003


    Distribution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Hazardous Elements in Atmospheric Particulate Matters in a District of Nanjing

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析南京市某区大气颗粒物上负载重金属及类金属元素的浓度水平,评估分级粒径段颗粒物上负载元素成分特征及风险。
      方法 运用PSW-8型气溶胶粒度分布采样器于2015年11月23日—12月17日采集南京市某区大气颗粒物样品,通过重量法测定不同粒径大气颗粒物的浓度,并基于微波消解-ICP/MS法测定不同粒径颗粒物中不同重金属及类金属元素的浓度,运用美国环保局推荐的环境健康风险评价模型对不同粒径颗粒物中重金属及类金属的健康风险进行评价。
      结果 南京市某区大气颗粒物(0.65~1.1)μm粒径的质量浓度及质量均最高,(0.43~10)μm全粒径大气颗粒物中各重金属及类金属元素浓度的趋势为:Al > Pb > Mn > Cu > Cr > Sr > As > Ni > Se > V > Rb > Cd > Bi > U > Co > Cs > Ag。Se、Pb、Ag、As、Bi、Cd、Cs、Rb、Ni、Cu、Cr、Mn和V共13种重金属及类金属元素主要集中分布于> 2.1 μm以下的颗粒物上,U、Co、Sr和Al 4种元素主要分布在 < 2.1 μm的颗粒物中。U、Cr、Ni、Cu、Pb、As、Ag、Bi和Cd元素在各粒径段中的富集因子均>10,其中粒径段越小的重金属及类金属元素富集因子越高。本研究各元素的非致癌风险 < 1,细粒径段及全粒径段的多种元素致癌风险之和大于1.00×10-6
      结论 南京市某区采样期内2.1 μm以下大气颗粒物占比较大,对人群健康影响较大的重金属及类金属元素在细粒径段的含量较高,细粒径段各元素的富集因子和健康风险更高。应加强大气颗粒物中细粒径颗粒物及其负载污染物的研究。


      Objectives To explore the concentration levels of heavy metals and metalloids on atmospheric particulate matter in a district of Nanjing, and to evaluate the characteristics and risks of the loading elements on the particles in the graded particle size.
      Methods A PSW-8 aerosol particle size distribution sampler was used to collect atmospheric particulate matter samples in a district of Nanjing from November 23 to December 17, 2015. The concentration of atmospheric particulate matter with different particle sizes was determined by gravimetric method. The concentration of heavy metals and metalloid elements in different particle size particles were determined by microwave digestion-ICP/MS method. Environment health risks of heavy metals and metalloids of different particle sizes were assessed by environmental health risk assessment model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).
      Results The mass concentration and mass of (0.65~1.10) μm particle size in a district of Nanjing atmospheric particulate matter were the highest. The trend of heavy metal and metalloid concentration in (0.43~10) μm particulate matter was Al > Pb > Mn > Cu > Cr > Sr > As > Ni > Se > V > Rb > Cd > Bi > U > Co > Cs > Ag. 13 kinds of heavy metals and metalloid elements, namely Se, Pb, Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cs, Rb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Mn and V, were mainly concentrated on particles with the size below 2.1 μm. U, Co, Sr and Al elements were mainly distributed in particles larger than 2.1 μm. The enrichment factors of U, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, As, Ag, Bi and Cd elements in each particle size segment were all greater than 10. As the particle size decreases, the enrichment factor of heavy metals became higher. The non-carcinogenic risks levels of elements were all lower than 1, and the carcinogenic risks levels of fine particle size section and whole particle size section were higher than 1.00×10-6.
      Conclusions The atmospheric particulate matter was mainly composed of particles below 2.1 μm during the sampling period. The heavy metals and metalloid elements with a great impact on the health of the population had a higher content in the fine particle size section. The enrichment factors and health risks of elements in the fine particle size section were higher. Research on small particle size particles and their loaded contaminants in atmospheric particulates should be strengthened.


