李普, 李守禹, 李盛, 王金玉, 冯亚莉. 2006—2017年兰州市细菌性痢疾流行特征[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2019, 9(5): 450-454. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.05.008
    引用本文: 李普, 李守禹, 李盛, 王金玉, 冯亚莉. 2006—2017年兰州市细菌性痢疾流行特征[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2019, 9(5): 450-454. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.05.008
    LI Pu, LI Shouyu, LI Sheng, WANG Jinyu, FENG Yali. Epidemiological Characteristics of Bacillary Dysentery in Lanzhou City(2006-2017)[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2019, 9(5): 450-454. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.05.008
    Citation: LI Pu, LI Shouyu, LI Sheng, WANG Jinyu, FENG Yali. Epidemiological Characteristics of Bacillary Dysentery in Lanzhou City(2006-2017)[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2019, 9(5): 450-454. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.05.008


    Epidemiological Characteristics of Bacillary Dysentery in Lanzhou City(2006-2017)

    • 摘要:
      目的 掌握2006—2017年兰州市细菌性痢疾流行病学特征,为科学制定防治措施,降低传播风险提供依据。
      方法 对2006—2017年兰州市细菌性痢疾报告病例进行流行病学特征分析。
      结果 2006—2017年兰州市累计报告细菌性痢疾患者36 336例,年报告发病率介于40.58/10万~164.01/10万之间,年均报告发病率94.30/10万。各年龄组均有发病,0岁组报告病例8 334例,占比22.94%,各年龄组男性病例数高于女性。男性患者20 298例,占比55.86%,女性16 038例,占比44.14%,男女性别比1.27:1。不同人群中,散居儿童11 450例,占比31.51%,学生6 536例,占比18.06%;农民3 472例,占比9.56%。每月均有报告病例,(1~8)月发病数逐月增加,年报告病例在夏季8月达到发病高峰,报告病例7 396例,占比20.35%;8~12月发病数逐月下降,冬季12月报告病例1 143例,占比3.15%。
      结论 2006—2017年兰州市细菌性痢疾发病(1~8)月基本呈逐月上升趋势,(9~12)月呈逐月下降趋势。0~岁婴幼儿、散居儿童为重点发病人群;夏季为高发季节;学校、托幼机构为重点防控场所。提示应在高发期针对重点人群、重点场所积极开展卫生宣教、做好细菌性痢疾病防治与健康教育,做好日常监测、细菌性痢疾病原检测工作,降低发病率与疾病传播风险。


      Objectives To master the epidemiological characteristics of bacillary dysentery in Lanzhou City from 2006 to 2017, and to provide the evidence for scientific prevention and control measures to reduce transmission risks.
      Methods Epidemiological characteristics of reported cases of bacillary dysentery in Lanzhou City from 2006 to 2017 were analyzed.
      Results In 2006-2017, 36 336 cases of bacillary dysentery were reported in Lanzhou City. The annual reported incidence ranged from 40.58/100 000 to 164.01/100 000, and the average annual reported incidence was 94.30/100 000. All the age groups suffer the disease. In the 0-year-old group, 8 334 cases were reported, accounting for 22.94%. The number of male cases in each age group was higher than that of females. There were 20 298 male patients, accounting for 55.86%, 16 038 females, accounting for 44.14%, and the male-female ratio was 1.27:1. Among different occupational groups, there 11 450 scattered children accounted for 31.51%, 6 536 students, accounting for 18.06%, and 3 472 farmers, accounting for 9.56%. Cases were reported every month. The incidence increased from January to August, and the annual reported cases reach the peak incidence in August. The number of reported cases was 7 396, accounting for 20.35%. The incidences from August to December were decreased month by month. There were 1 143 cases reported in December, accounting for 3.15%.
      Conclusions From 2006 to 2017, the incidence of bacillary dysentery in Lanzhou City basically increased from January to August, and it showed a monthly decreasing trend from September to December. Infants with 0~years old and scattered children are the key affected population; summer is the high-risk season; schools and nurseries and kindergartens were the key prevention and control places. It is suggested that sanitation education should be actively carried out for key populations and key places in the high-incidence period, bacillary dysentery disease prevention and health education should be done well as well as daily monitoring and bacillary dysentery disease detection to reduce the incidence and risk of disease transmission.


