田宇, 黄丹妮, 金永堂. 交通污染与自闭症关系的研究进展[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2019, 9(2): 190-195. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.02.019
    引用本文: 田宇, 黄丹妮, 金永堂. 交通污染与自闭症关系的研究进展[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2019, 9(2): 190-195. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.02.019
    TIAN Yu, HUANG Danni, JIN Yongtang. Advances on Relationship between Autism and Traffic Pollution[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2019, 9(2): 190-195. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.02.019
    Citation: TIAN Yu, HUANG Danni, JIN Yongtang. Advances on Relationship between Autism and Traffic Pollution[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2019, 9(2): 190-195. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2019.02.019


    Advances on Relationship between Autism and Traffic Pollution

    • 摘要: 自闭症是一种神经发育障碍性疾病,严重影响儿童及成年后的生活。该病的主要表现为社会沟通及交流障碍、兴趣狭窄及重复刻板行为。近年来,自闭症发病率的逐年增加引起了社会各界关注。目前认为自闭症的发病与环境因素、遗传和表观遗传学均有关系,环境因素如交通污染等可通过神经毒性作用、影响个体遗传或表观遗传的方式引起自闭症,因此交通污染与自闭症的关系已逐渐成为热点研究方向。本文就交通污染与自闭症的关系及可能机制进行综述,尤其是交通污染引起的神经损伤、自闭症相关遗传改变和表观遗传学改变,以期为自闭症病因及机制研究提供帮助,并对自闭症的预防和治疗提供理论支持。


      Abstract: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that seriously affects the lives of children and adults. The main manifestations of the disease are social and communication disorders, narrow interests, and repetitive behaviors. In recent years, increasing incidence of autism has aroused attention of society. It is believed that the pathogenesis of autism is related to environmental factors, heredity, and epigenetics. Environmental factors, such as traffic pollution, can cause autism through neurotoxic effects, affecting individual heredity or epigenetics. Therefore, the relationship between traffic pollution and autism has gradually become a hot research direction. This article reviews the relationship between traffic pollution and autism and its possible mechanisms, especially the neurological damage, genetic and epigenetic changes related to autism caused by traffic pollution, in order to provide help for the study of the etiology and mechanism of autism as well as provide theoretical support for prevention and treatment of autism.


