韩旭, 潘力军, 孙波, 姚孝元. 游泳场所卫生指标体系探讨[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2016, 6(6): 437-442. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.011
    引用本文: 韩旭, 潘力军, 孙波, 姚孝元. 游泳场所卫生指标体系探讨[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2016, 6(6): 437-442. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.011
    HAN Xu, PAN Lijun, SUN Bo, YAO Xiaoyuan. Investigation on Sanitary Indicators of Swimming Places[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2016, 6(6): 437-442. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.011
    Citation: HAN Xu, PAN Lijun, SUN Bo, YAO Xiaoyuan. Investigation on Sanitary Indicators of Swimming Places[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2016, 6(6): 437-442. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.06.011


    Investigation on Sanitary Indicators of Swimming Places

    • 摘要:
      目的 调查游泳场所存在的卫生学问题,分析游泳场所卫生指标体系的现状。
      方法 查阅文献,收集、整理和分析与游泳场所有关的国内外卫生标准,以室内环境指标和池水指标进行分类具体阐述游泳场所卫生指标体系现状及限值标准。
      结果 我国游泳场所卫生指标体系已经基本实现与国际组织和发达国家卫生指标体系同步,但是对于有些新型污染物,特别是生物性污染物,我国还没有上述指标的卫生限值要求。
      结论 建议加强对游泳场所消毒副产物,新型化学性、生物性污染物的现况调查及其卫生指标体系研究。


      Objective To investigate and analyze the current situation on sanitary indicators and their standard systems of swimming place at home and abroard.
      Methods The relevant sanitary standards of swimming places in the international organizations, developed countries and China were collected and reviewed. The indicators for indoor environment and swimming pool water were specifically classified to examine the current situation of sanitary indicators and the standard limit for swimming places.
      Results The sanitary indicators of swimming place in china had been fundamentlly in accordance with the existing indicators that implemented by the international organizations and developed countries. However, the requirement for the sanitary limits of certain new contaminants, especially the microbial contaminants has not been derived in the country.
      Conclusion The research on current situation of disinfection by-products and new chemical and microbial contaminants in swimming pools, along with the sanitary indicators should be strengthened.


