陈栋, 操基玉. 六安市城区饮用水中氯仿和四氯化碳健康风险初评[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2016, 6(5): 347-350, 355. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.05.007
    引用本文: 陈栋, 操基玉. 六安市城区饮用水中氯仿和四氯化碳健康风险初评[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2016, 6(5): 347-350, 355. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.05.007
    CHEN Dong, CAO Jiyu. Preliminary Health Risk Assessment on Chloroform and Carbon Tetrachloride in Drinking Water in Urban Area of Lu'an City[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2016, 6(5): 347-350, 355. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.05.007
    Citation: CHEN Dong, CAO Jiyu. Preliminary Health Risk Assessment on Chloroform and Carbon Tetrachloride in Drinking Water in Urban Area of Lu'an City[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2016, 6(5): 347-350, 355. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.05.007


    Preliminary Health Risk Assessment on Chloroform and Carbon Tetrachloride in Drinking Water in Urban Area of Lu'an City

    • 摘要:
      目的 运用健康风险评价方法定量描述六安市城区饮用水中三氯甲烷和四氯化碳含量,评价其对人体健康产生潜在风险。
      方法 2014年,根据六安市城区(金安区、裕安区、开发区)人口的聚集程度设置水质监测点,并对监测点的水样进行采集和检测。
      结果 六安市城区饮用水中三氯甲烷、四氯化碳的浓度(中位数)分别为0.035 mg/L和0.0002 mg/L,致癌个人风险为59.3×10-6和1.10×10-6,非致癌健康风险值个人健康风险为0.1912和0.0122。
      结论 六安市城区饮用水中三氯甲烷和四氯化碳对人体健康产生的潜在致癌个人风险和非致癌健康风险均在美国环境保护署(US EPA)可以接受的限值之内。


      Objective Using a health risk assessment method to quantitatively describe the situation of chloroform and carbon tetrachloride in drinking water in Lu'an city, and to assess their potential risks to human health.
      Methods Setting water quality monitoring sites was based on the aggregation of the population in Lu'an City. Water samples were collected and detected in 2014.
      Results The average concentration of chloroform and carbon tetrachloride in drinking water was 0.035mg/L and 0.0002mg/L, respectively, and the carcinogenic risk value was 59.3×10-6 and 1.10×10-6, respectively.The health risk index for chloroform and carbon tetrachloride in drinking water was 0.1912/a and 0.0122/a, respectively.
      Conclusion The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk induced by chloroform and carbon tetrachloride through drinking water was in the acceptable value recommend by US EPA.


