臧照芳, 姚伟, 曲晓光, 付彦芬. 乡镇卫生院供水系统管理状况调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2016, 6(4): 284-287. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.011
    引用本文: 臧照芳, 姚伟, 曲晓光, 付彦芬. 乡镇卫生院供水系统管理状况调查分析[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2016, 6(4): 284-287. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.011
    Zang Zhaofang, Yao Wei, Qu Xiaoguang, Fu Yanfen. Investigation on the Water Supply System in Township Hospitals[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2016, 6(4): 284-287. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.011
    Citation: Zang Zhaofang, Yao Wei, Qu Xiaoguang, Fu Yanfen. Investigation on the Water Supply System in Township Hospitals[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2016, 6(4): 284-287. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2016.04.011


    Investigation on the Water Supply System in Township Hospitals

    • 摘要:
      目的  了解我国乡镇卫生院供水系统的管理状况。
      方法  采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,在全国范围内抽取10个省77个县的385所乡镇卫生院,调查其供水系统的管理情况。
      结果  67.01%的卫生院使用公共自来水,29.35%使用自备自来水,3.64%的使用分散供水。其中85.00%的西部地区乡镇卫生院使用公共自来水,明显高于其他地区(中部、东部和东北部地区为分别为69.09%、50.77%和56.00%);7.50%的西部地区乡镇卫生院使用自备自来水,明显低于其他地区(中部、东部和东北部地区为分别为27.27%、48.46%和44.00%)。二次供水系统蓄水池密闭的占84.62%,水质常年消毒、季节性消毒的和不消毒的比例依次为11.54%、19.23%和69.23%。自备水源以井水为主,占92.91%,水井卫生防护完善、卫生防护不完善和无卫生防护的比例依次为15.26%、79.66%和5.08%;水质常年消毒、季节性消毒和不消毒的比例依次为11.02%、16.95%和72.03%。
      结论  乡镇卫生院以集中供水为主,西部地区采用公共自来水的比例较高,采用自备自来水的比例较低,说明西部地区供水较安全,易于管理;二次供水和自备供水的卫生防护差,水质消毒比例低,饮水安全风险大。


      Objectives  To find out the status and management of the water supply system in township hospitals in China.
      Methods  A total of 385 township hospitals were sampled nationwide from 77 counties in 10 provinces by multistage stratified random sampling methods, and the management of water supply system was investigated.
      Results  Public tap water was used in 67.01% of township hospitals, self-owned tap water was used in 29.35% of them, and decentralized water supply was used in 3.64% of them. The proportion of township hospitals using public tap water in the western districts (85.00%) was significantly higher than that in central districts (69.09%), eastern districts (50.77%) and northeastern districts (56.00%). The proportion of township hospitals using self-owned tap water in western districts (7.50%) was significantly lower than central districts (27.27%), eastern districts (48.46%) and northeastern districts (44.00%). The reservoir was sealed in 84.62% of secondary water supply system, and the disinfection for water was perennially (11.54%), seasonally (19.23%) or not disinfected (69.23%). Self-owned water source was mainly from well water (92.91%), and the hygienic protection was fully (15.26%), inadequately (79.66%) or no protection at all (5.08%). The disinfection for well water was perennially (11.02%), seasonally (16.95%) or no disinfection (72.03%).
      Conclusions  The main type of water supply in township hospitals was centralized system. The proportion of township hospitals using public tap water in western districts was higher than those in other districts and the proportion of using self-owned tap water in western districts was lower than those in other districts. The water supply system in western districts was more safe and easier to manage than other districts. The protection of drinking water in secondary water supply system and self-owned water supply system was defective and the proportion of water disinfection was low; and there was a risk on the safety of drinking water in township hospitals.


