罗海光, 郑贵专, 何丹, 谭建峰, 黄少勇, 李燕飞, 饶贵平, 黎振坚. 广西贺州市养猪场周边分散式供水卫生状况调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(6): 534-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.06.010
    引用本文: 罗海光, 郑贵专, 何丹, 谭建峰, 黄少勇, 李燕飞, 饶贵平, 黎振坚. 广西贺州市养猪场周边分散式供水卫生状况调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(6): 534-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.06.010
    LUO Haiguang, ZHENG Guizhuan, HE Dan, TAN Jianfeng, HUANG Shaoyong, LI Yanfei, RAO Guiping, LI Zhenjian. Hygienic Situation of Decentralized Water Supply Around Pig Farms in Hezhou City, Guangxi[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(6): 534-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.06.010
    Citation: LUO Haiguang, ZHENG Guizhuan, HE Dan, TAN Jianfeng, HUANG Shaoyong, LI Yanfei, RAO Guiping, LI Zhenjian. Hygienic Situation of Decentralized Water Supply Around Pig Farms in Hezhou City, Guangxi[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(6): 534-536. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.06.010


    Hygienic Situation of Decentralized Water Supply Around Pig Farms in Hezhou City, Guangxi

    • 摘要:
      目的  通过对广西贺州市部份养猪场周边居民饮用水的监测, 了解其周边分散式供水的饮用水卫生状况, 及时发现饮水安全隐患, 为确保群众饮水安全和政府决策提供科学依据。
      方法  选取广西贺州市平桂管理区生猪养殖场周边118口水井作为调查对象, 每口井采集1份水样, 进行包括菌落总数、总大肠菌群、大肠埃希菌、耐热大肠菌群、色度、浊度、臭和味、pH、耗氧量、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、亚硝酸盐氮共12个项目的检测, 结果以SPSS 13.0统计软件进行分析。
      结果  12项检测指标均合格的水样有9份, 合格率仅为11.9%, 微生物指标4项均合格的有13份, 合格率为12.0%, 理化8项均合格的有70份, 合格率为59.3%, 其中不合格项主要为硝酸盐氮(64.4%)。
      结论  养猪场周边分散式供水饮用水污染严重, 合格率明显偏低, 相关部门应加强管理, 同时对养殖户提供必要的知识培训和技术指导, 提高认识, 确保居民饮水安全。


      Objectives  To monitor the quality of drinking water for residents surrounding some pig farms in Hezhou City, Guangxi Province, understand the hygienic situation of decentralized water supply, find out potential safety hazards, and provide scientific basis for ensuring public safety of drinking water and making governmental decisions.
      Methods  One water sample was collected from each of 118 wells around pig farms in the Pinggui Administration District of Hezhou City, Guangxi province.A total of 12 items, including the total number of colonies, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, thermotolerant coliforms, chroma, turbidity, smell and taste, pH, oxygen consumption, ammonia, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen were tested; and testing results were analyzed statistically by SPSS 13.0.
      Results  Only 9 water samples were qualified for all 12 items, the qualified rate was 11.9%; only 13 water samples were qualified for 4 microorganism items, the qualified rate was 12%; and only 70 water samples were qualified for 8 physical and chemical items, the qualified rate was 59.3%.The main unqualified item was nitrate nitrogen (64.4%).
      Conclusions  The safety of drinking water collected from decentralized water supply around pig farms was serious.Strengthening management and providing necessary knowledge and technical guidance for those pig farmers should be conducted by relevant government departments in order to raise their awareness and ensure the quality of drinking water.


