王巍, 李若岚, 柴义, 张晓雪, 张振伟, 李博洋, 吕彦. 北京市西城区公共场所卫生状况调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(4): 353-356. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.04.011
    引用本文: 王巍, 李若岚, 柴义, 张晓雪, 张振伟, 李博洋, 吕彦. 北京市西城区公共场所卫生状况调查[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(4): 353-356. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.04.011
    WANG Wei, LI Roulan, CHAI Yi, ZHANG Xiaoxue, ZHANG Zhenwei, LI Boyang, LYU Yan. Sanitary Status in Public Places of Xicheng District in Beijing[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(4): 353-356. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.04.011
    Citation: WANG Wei, LI Roulan, CHAI Yi, ZHANG Xiaoxue, ZHANG Zhenwei, LI Boyang, LYU Yan. Sanitary Status in Public Places of Xicheng District in Beijing[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(4): 353-356. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.04.011


    Sanitary Status in Public Places of Xicheng District in Beijing

    • 摘要:
      目的 了解北京市西城区公共场所卫生状况, 为加强公共场所监督, 保障公共场所卫生安全提供依据。
      方法 按照《公共场所卫生监测技术规范》(GB/T 17220-1998) 和《集中空调通风系统卫生管理规范》(DB 11/485-2011) 的方法进行采样监测。参照《公共场所卫生标准检验方法》(GB/T 18204.1~18204.30-2000) 和《公共场所空气中可吸入颗粒物(PM10)测定方法光散射法》(WS/T 206-2001) 进行检测。依据《公共场所卫生标准》(GB 9663~9673-1996) 和《集中空调通风系统卫生管理规范》(DB 11/485-2011) 对结果进行评价。
      结果 公共场所用品用具的合格率最高(98.6%), 不合格项目为细菌总数。公共场所空气质量与集中空调通风系统合格率相近, 分别为94.3%和94.2%。主要不合格项目为甲醛和冷却水中嗜肺军团菌。
      结论 公共场所用品用具的消毒效果较好。公共场所甲醛的合格率较低, 可以采用增加新风量和放置绿植的方式降低室内甲醛浓度。对集中空调冷却塔的处理要做到清洗消毒彻底, 无死角。


      Objectives To investigate the sanitary status in public places of Xicheng district, in order to strengthen sanitary supervision and management, as well as to provide scientific standard for insuring the security of public places.
      Methods All procedures for collecting, reserving, examining and evaluating data were following the methods in GB/T 17220-1998, GB/T 18204.1~18204.30-2000, GB 9663~9673-1996 and DB 11/485-2011.
      Results The qualified rate for public appliance was the highest (98.6%), but the total bacteria counts were unqualified. The qualified rate for indoor air quality was closed to the sanitary status of central air conditioning system.
      Conclusions The effect of disinfection on public appliance was very well. The concentration of formaldehyde in public places should be reduced by increasing fresh air and placing green plants and the disinfection of cooling tower in central air conditioning system should be strengthened.


