徐永俊, 李立, 魏岚, 段链, 张宏伟. 两种化妆品原料的短期毒理学安全性评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(2): 129-134. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.011
    引用本文: 徐永俊, 李立, 魏岚, 段链, 张宏伟. 两种化妆品原料的短期毒理学安全性评价[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(2): 129-134. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.011
    XU Yongjun, LI Li, WEI Lan, DUAN Lian, ZHANG Hongwei. Cosmetic Ingredients Sort-term Txicity Assessment[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(2): 129-134. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.011
    Citation: XU Yongjun, LI Li, WEI Lan, DUAN Lian, ZHANG Hongwei. Cosmetic Ingredients Sort-term Txicity Assessment[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(2): 129-134. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.011


    Cosmetic Ingredients Sort-term Txicity Assessment

    • 摘要:
      目的 初步评价两种化妆品原料短期毒理学安全性, 探讨测试与评价方法中需要注意的问题。
      方法 以家兔14 d皮肤连续涂抹试验、家兔眼刺激试验评价原料的急性眼刺激性与多次皮肤刺激性; 以豚鼠光毒性试验测试豚鼠皮肤一次接触原料, 继而暴露于紫外线照射下所引发的皮肤红斑、焦痂和水肿等毒性反应; 以体外CHO细胞染色体畸变试验评价原料的致突变性。
      结果 1号原料多次皮肤刺激性试验结果为中刺激性; 家兔眼刺激试验(不冲洗及30 s冲洗)结果为不可逆眼损伤。将其用维生素E油稀释至20%(v/v)、0.5%(v/v)后, 其家兔眼刺激试验(不冲洗)结果为轻刺激性。2号原料的多次皮肤刺激试验结果为轻刺激性; 豚鼠皮肤光毒试验、体外哺乳动物染色体畸变试验结果均为阴性。
      结论 短期试验测试表明1号化妆品原料有潜在的急性刺激性危害, 未发现2号化妆品原料具有强皮肤刺激性、皮肤光毒性和致突变性。


      Objective To investigate short-term toxicity of two cosmetic ingredients(No. 1:extraction of semen psoraleae; No. 2:derivative of methylresorcinol).
      Methods Dermal irritation was assessed by a 14-day test smearing cosmetic ingredient on the skin of albino rabbit and acute eye irritation was assessed by a modified Draize test. Dermal phototoxicity was tested on the skin of guinea pigs. The irritation and phototoxicity was assessed following the score and grade of related descriptions in Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics. Mutagenicity was tested by chromosome aberration in CHO cells.
      Results Cosmetic ingredient No. 1 in a form of original liquid showed a moderate dermal irritation and had a potential of inducing irreversible eye lesion in acute eye irritation test(no flushing or flushing for 30s); using vitamin E in oil as a solvent in a concentration of 20% and 0.5%(v/v) to dilute cosmetic ingredient No. 1 for eye irritation test(no flushing), a mild irritation was observed. For cosmetic ingredient No. 2, both mild dermal irritation and ocular irritation was observed. No positive result was found in dermal phototoxicity test and chromosome aberration test in CHO cells.
      Conclusion Cosmetic ingredient No. 1 showed a potential of dermal and ocular irritation; cosmetic ingredient No. 2 showed a mild dermal and ocular irritation, and no positive results in phototoxicity test and chromosome aberration test.


