敬燕燕, 秦娟, 李洁, 崔宝荣, 周慧霞, 张芳, 于秋红. 丰台区农村饮水安全工程水质化学污染健康风险评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(2): 111-115. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.007
    引用本文: 敬燕燕, 秦娟, 李洁, 崔宝荣, 周慧霞, 张芳, 于秋红. 丰台区农村饮水安全工程水质化学污染健康风险评估[J]. 环境卫生学杂志, 2015, 5(2): 111-115. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.007
    JING Yanyan, QIN Juan, LI Jie, CUI Baorong, ZHOU Huixia, ZHANG Fang, YU Qiuhong. Chemical Pollutants Health Risk Assessment of Drinking Water in Fengtai District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(2): 111-115. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.007
    Citation: JING Yanyan, QIN Juan, LI Jie, CUI Baorong, ZHOU Huixia, ZHANG Fang, YU Qiuhong. Chemical Pollutants Health Risk Assessment of Drinking Water in Fengtai District[J]. Journal of Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 5(2): 111-115. DOI: 10.13421/j.cnki.hjwsxzz.2015.02.007


    Chemical Pollutants Health Risk Assessment of Drinking Water in Fengtai District

    • 摘要:
      目的 根据丰台区农村饮水安全工程的水质监测结果, 评估农村饮水安全工程水质化学污染健康风险及自备井水处理前后健康风险的改变, 筛选重点污染物。
      方法 2013年对丰台区农村饮水安全工程桶装水厂进行监测, 于枯水期、丰水期各采集1次自备井水源水和处理后桶装水样品, 应用环境健康风险评价模型进行风险评价。
      结果 自备井水源水中硝酸盐年均值为36.96 mg/L, 超过国家标准限值规定, 其他各污染物指标在饮用水中含量的最大值符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006) 的限值规定。个人健康年总风险以化学致癌污染物为主, 占饮水个人健康年总风险的99.60%。自备井水源水、处理后桶装水中化学致癌污染物砷(As)、铬(Cr6+)、镉(Cd)个人年风险相同, 分别为1.32×10-5/年、7.20×10-6/年和4.28×10-6/年, 占化学致癌污染物年总风险的53.48%、29.17%、17.34%。硝酸盐(NO3-)位居自备井水源水非化学致癌污染物个人年风险首位, 占该类致癌污染物年总风险的63.86%, 源水经处理后个人年风险降为总风险的19.21%。处理后桶装水的化学致癌污染物个人年风险比自备井水源水降低0.40%, 非化学致癌污染物个人年风险比自备井水源水降低67.09%, 总风险降低0.40%。
      结论 丰台区农村饮水安全工程水源水和处理后水化学污染物经饮水途径所致健康危害的个人年风险均低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受限值。农村饮水安全工程的实施降低了人群经饮水途径的健康风险, 尤其是大幅降低了硝酸盐的非化学致癌污染物健康风险。结果提示硝酸盐应作为丰台区饮用自备井水源保护和农村饮水安全工程桶装水厂制水过程中优先控制和检测的污染物。


      Objectives To assess the health risks in rural drinking water safety project and the difference between source well water and treated water, to screen priority pollutants according to the monitoring data in Fengtai district.
      Methods Source well water samples and barreled water samples from water supply plants in the rural drinking water safety project were collected and detected in dry and wet season in 2013. An environmental health risk assessment model was applied for risk assessment.
      Results The average level of nitrate nitrogen in source well water was 36.96 mg/L, which was higher than the national standard limit; and the level of other pollutants met the requirement of the provisions in "Drinking Water Sanitary Standard"(GB 5749-2006). Chemical carcinogenic contaminants were the most important part of total annual personal health risks, accounting for 99.60% of total annual personal health risks from drinking water. The carcinogenic risks of As, Cr6+and Cd, both in well water and treated water, were 1.32×10-5/year, 7.20×10-6/year and 4.28×10-6/year, respectively. The proportion of risk from As, Cr6+, Cd in total carcinogenic risks was 53.48%, 29.17% and 17.34%, respectively. Nitrate(NO3-) was the most important non-chemical carcinogenic pollutant in personal annual risks from water, which accounted for 63.86% of total annual risks; the personal annual risk would be falling into 19.21% of the total risk after water being processed. Comparing to well water, the average annual carcinogenic risk of treated water would reduce 0.40%, while the non-carcinogenic risk would reduce 67.09%, and the total risk would reduce 0.40%.
      Conclusions The health risk of each pollutant was lower than the maximum tolerable value recommended by ICRP in Fengtai district. Implementation of drinking water safety project would reduce the health risk of drinking water, especially would sharply reduce the health risk of nitrate, which was the non-chemical carcinogenic pollutant. The results indicated that nitrate should be considered as the prior pollutant to be controlled and detected in the protection of drinking water source and barreled water.


